This image contains the Jenkins CLI. You can run the cli easily against the Jenkins server locally or remote.
First start the server:
$ docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins
Jenkins will be available at http://yourdockerhost:8090.
You can enter the running jenkins container and execute the client against the server!
$ docker exec jenkins cli
Will list the help of the Jenkins cli
You can run the CLI against any Jenkins server!
$ docker run -it --rm -e "JENKINS_CLI_URL=" blacklabelops/jenkins cli
Will run the cli against the Jenkins server defined in JENKINS_CLI_URL
You can also use the non-parameterized jenkins-cli command and run against any network available Jenkins!
$ docker run -it --rm blacklabelops/jenkins jenkins-cli -s
Will run the cli with any given and valid jenkins cli parameter.
You can run the cli against a linked jenkins server!
$ docker exec --link jenkins:jenkins -e "JENKINS_CLI_URL=http://jenkins:8080" blacklabelops/jenkins cli
Will run the cli against the linked Jenkins container
You can define an SSH authentication file with the environment variable JENKINS_CLI_SSH!
$ docker exec --link jenkins:jenkins -v myauthentication.pem:/sshfiles/tokenfile.pem -e "JENKINS_CLI_SSH=/sshfiles/tokenfile.pem" -e "JENKINS_CLI_URL=http://jenkins:8080" blacklabelops/jenkins cli
Will trigger cli with authentication.