Create login, password, register, subscribe, and free membership (w/ user registration) forms that use the WP-API form processing
- Use a simple shortcode (or PHP function) to create forms throughout your website
- Elegant error/success notices
- Membership form requires WooCommerce and WooCommerce Memberships
- ActiveCampaign integration
- Works well with Wampum Popups plugin
- Easy plugin updates in the WordPress Dashboard via GitHub Updater plugin
Allows a logged out user to login.
[wampum_login_form title="Login Now!" redirect=""]
echo wampum_get_login_form();
$args = array(
'title' => 'Login Now',
'redirect' => '',
echo wampum_get_login_form( $args );
Allows a logged in user to change their password.
[wampum_password_form title="Set A New Password"]
echo wampum_get_password_form();
$args = array(
'title' => 'Change Your Password',
'redirect' => '',
echo wampum_get_password_form( $args );
Allows a user to register for the site.
[wampum_register_form email=true username=false password="true" button="Join Now!"]
echo wampum_get_register_form();
$args = array(
'title' => 'Join Now!',
'redirect' => '',
echo wampum_get_register_form( $args );
Creates a clean and efficient onboarding flow for adding users to a WooCommerce membership.
[wampum_membership_form plan_id="26180" title="Join Now!" redirect=""]
Shortcode with many options
[wampum_membership_form plan_id="26180" title="Join Now!" title_wrap="h2" desc="Fill out this form to get instant access." first_name=true last_name=false username=false member_message="Woot! You are already a member!" button="Join Now" notifications="," redirect=""]
$args = array(
'plan_id' => '1234', // required
'title' => 'Join This Membership!',
'redirect' => '',
echo wampum_get_membership_form( $args );
PHP function with lots options
$args = array(
'plan_id' => '1234', // required
'title' => 'Join This Membership!',
'title_wrap' => 'h3',
'desc' => 'Fill out this form to get instant access.',
'redirect' => '',
'button' => __( 'Join Now!', 'wampum' ),
'first_name' => true,
'last_name' => true,
'username' => true,
'member_message' => 'Woot! You are already a member!',
'notifications' => ',',
echo wampum_get_membership_form( $args );
- If user tries to login with an existing username/email, they are asked to login first. If they click the login link it displays the login form. After successful login, the membership form is loaded and username/email is prefilled.
- After successful submission a user account is created and (if password fields were not used) the password form is loaded. The user must change their password (password was auto-generated) then they are redirected.
- If SharpSpring parameters are used, the submission is sent to SS during processing.
- User fields are pre-filled, and username/email fields are readonly
- After submission, user is redirected
Most of these parameters work with all form types. Form specific parameters listed below.
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to hide (adds display:none;) the form
Mostly used internally for membership form
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to display the form fields as inline columns
(string) 'My Form Title'
Default null
Change the heading of the form
(string) 'h4'
Default 'h3'
Change title wrapping element
(string) 'Fill out the form below'
Default null
Add a description below the form title
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the first name field
(string) 'Name' or 'First Name {if last name fields is used}'
Default 'Name' or 'First Name {if last name field is used}'
First name field label
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the last name field
(string) 'Last Name'
Default 'Last Name'
Last name field label
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the email field
(string) 'Email'
Default 'Email'
Email field label
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the username field
(string) 'Username'
Default 'Username' or 'Username/Email' on login form
Username field label
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the password field
(string) 'Password'
Default 'Password'
Password field label
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the confirm password field
(string) 'Password'
Default 'Password'
Password field label
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to show the password strength field
(string) 'Password'
Default 'Password'
Password strength field label
(string) ','
Default {none}
Where to send email notifications after successful submission
(string) ''
Default {current page URL}
Where to redirect after successful submission
(string) '1,3,12'
Default {none}
ActiveCampaign list IDs to add user to
Requires valid credentials in Settings > Wampum Forms
(string) 'some tag,leads'
Default {none}
ActiveCampaign tags to add to user
Requires valid credentials in Settings > Wampum Forms
(string) 'Submit'
Default 'Log In'
Submit button text
(boolean) true|false
Default true
Show the remember me checkbox
(boolean) true|false
Default true
Default "Remember Me" checked or unchecked
(boolean) true|false
Default false
Whether to auto log in the user after successful registration
(integer) 1234
Default null
Membership ID that this form will add the user to
(string) 'You are already a member!'
Default null
Display a message in place of the form if a logged in user is already a member