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Deploy Ollama and Open WebUI with GitHub Actions 🌐🚀

Welcome to the easiest way to get your own hosted private language model running swiftly with Ollama and Open WebUI

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Why use this action?

With this action, you can easily have your very own Large Language Model (LLM) like OpenAI's GPTChat or Anthropic's Claude. Except that it's entirely yours! You can tune it with your own data, and it's hosted on your own AWS account.

This action is perfect for anyone who wants to try out the latest models, ask questions about documents, or even build Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) apps against an LLM you own!

🖥️✨ Get started below, and you'll be talking with your own hosted LLM in no time!

Supported Cloud Providers:

  • AWS

Note: This action is currently in beta. Please report any issues you find by creating an Issue or a Pull Requests


Need help or have questions?

This project is supported by Bitovi DevOps and a proud supporter of Open Source software.

You can get help or ask questions on our Discord channel! Come hang out with us; We love discussing solutions!

Or, you can hire us for training, consulting, development, and deployments (including LLM deployments ;). Set up a free consultation.


This is a list of requirements you'll need to meet in order to use this action.

  1. An AWS account (yep, that's it!)

1. An AWS account

You'll need Access Keys from an AWS account

Example usage

Create .github/workflow/deploy.yaml with the following to build on push.

Basic example

name: Basic deploy
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - id: deploy
      name: Deploy
      uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-ollama@v0
        aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}}
        aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}

Once deployed, visit the url provided in the workflow output summary.

Advanced example

name: Advanced deploy
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - id: deploy
      name: Deploy
      uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-ollama@v0
        disable_signup: true
        ollama_models: "phi3,qwen:0.5b,tinyllama"
        aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}}
        aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}

        aws_r53_enable: true
        aws_r53_sub_domain_name: ollama
        aws_r53_create_sub_cert: true

        ansible_start_docker_timeout: 9000

        env_ghs: ${{ secrets.DOT_ENV }}
        env_ghv: ${{ vars.VARS }}
        env_aws_secret: some-secret,some-other
        docker_cloudwatch_enable: true
        docker_cloudwatch_retention_days: 7



  1. Deploy specifics
  2. AWS Specific
  3. GitHub Commons main inputs
  4. Secrets and Environment Variables
  5. EC2
  6. VPC
  7. AWS Route53 Domains and Certificates
  8. Docker


  1. Action Outputs

The following inputs can be used as step.with keys

Deploy Specific

Name Type Description
disable_signup Boolean Disable user signup for the application.
ollama_models String Comma separated list of models to download automatically. e.g. "mistral,deepseek-r1,llama3.3" Check models

AWS Specific

Name Type Description
aws_access_key_id String AWS access key ID
aws_secret_access_key String AWS secret access key
aws_session_token String AWS session token
aws_default_region String AWS default region. Defaults to us-east-1
aws_resource_identifier String Set to override the AWS resource identifier for the deployment. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}.
aws_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to all provisioned resources.

GitHub Commons main inputs

Name Type Description
checkout Boolean Set to false if the code is already checked out. (Default is true).
tf_stack_destroy Boolean Set to true to destroy the stack - Will delete the elb logs bucket after the destroy action runs.
tf_state_file_name String Change this to be anything you want to. Carefull to be consistent here. A missing file could trigger recreation, or stepping over destruction of non-defined objects. Defaults to tf-state-aws.
tf_state_file_name_append String Appends a string to the tf-state-file. Setting this to unique will generate tf-state-aws-unique. (Can co-exist with tf_state_file_name)
tf_state_bucket String AWS S3 bucket name to use for Terraform state. See note
tf_state_bucket_destroy Boolean Force purge and deletion of S3 bucket defined. Only evaluated when tf_stack_destroy is also true, so it is safe to leave this enabled when standing up your stack. Defaults to false.
ansible_ssh_to_private_ip Boolean Make Ansible connect to the private IP of the instance. Only usefull if using a hosted runner in the same network. Default is false.
ansible_start_docker_timeout String Ammount of time in seconds it takes Ansible to mark as failed the startup of docker. Defaults to 6000.

Secrets and Environment Variables Inputs

Name Type Description - Check note about environment variables.
env_aws_secret String Secret name to pull env variables from AWS Secret Manager, could be a comma separated list, read in order. Expected JSON content.
env_repo String File containing environment variables to be used with the app.
env_ghs String .env file to be used with the app from Github secrets.
env_ghv String .env file to be used with the app from Github variables.

EC2 Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_ec2_instance_create Boolean Toggles the creation of an EC2 instance. (Default is true).
aws_ec2_ami_filter String AWS AMI Filter string. Will be used to lookup for lates image based on the string. Defaults to ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-*.'
aws_ec2_ami_owner String Owner of AWS AMI image. This ensures the provider is the one we are looking for. Defaults to 099720109477, Canonical (Ubuntu).
aws_ec2_ami_id String AWS AMI ID. Will default to the latest Ubuntu 22.04 server image (HVM). Accepts ami-### values.
aws_ec2_ami_update Boolean Set this to true if you want to recreate the EC2 instance if there is a newer version of the AMI. Defaults to false.
aws_ec2_instance_type String The AWS IAM instance type to use. Default is inf1.xlarge. See this list for reference.
aws_ec2_instance_root_vol_size Integer Define the volume size (in GiB) for the root volume on the AWS Instance. Defaults to 8.
aws_ec2_instance_root_vol_preserve Boolean Set this to true to avoid deletion of root volume on termination. Defaults to false.
aws_ec2_security_group_name String The name of the EC2 security group. Defaults to SG for ${aws_resource_identifier} - EC2.
aws_ec2_iam_instance_profile String The AWS IAM instance profile to use for the EC2 instance. Will create one if none provided with the name aws_resource_identifier.
aws_ec2_create_keypair_sm Boolean Generates and manages a secret manager entry that contains the public and private keys created for the ec2 instance.
aws_ec2_instance_public_ip Boolean Add a public IP to the instance or not. (Not an Elastic IP). Defaults to true.
aws_ec2_port_list String Comma separated list of ports to be enabled in the EC2 instance security group. (NOT THE ELB) In a 80,443 format. Port 22 is enabled as default to allow Ansible connection.
aws_ec2_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to ec2 provisioned resources.

VPC Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_vpc_create Boolean Define if a VPC should be created. Defaults to false.
aws_vpc_name String Define a name for the VPC. Defaults to VPC for ${aws_resource_identifier}.
aws_vpc_cidr_block String Define Base CIDR block which is divided into subnet CIDR blocks. Defaults to
aws_vpc_public_subnets String Comma separated list of public subnets. Defaults to
aws_vpc_private_subnets String Comma separated list of private subnets. If no input, no private subnet will be created. Defaults to <none>.
aws_vpc_availability_zones String Comma separated list of availability zones. Defaults to aws_default_region+<random> value. If a list is defined, the first zone will be the one used for the EC2 instance.
aws_vpc_id String Existing AWS VPC ID to use. Accepts vpc-### values.
aws_vpc_subnet_id String Existing AWS VPC Subnet ID. If none provided, will pick one. (Ideal when there's only one).
aws_vpc_enable_nat_gateway Boolean Adds a NAT gateway for each public subnet. Defaults to false.
aws_vpc_single_nat_gateway Boolean Toggles only one NAT gateway for all of the public subnets. Defaults to false.
aws_vpc_external_nat_ip_ids String Existing comma separated list of IP IDs if reusing. (ElasticIPs).
aws_vpc_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to vpc provisioned resources.

AWS Route53 Domains and Certificate Inputss

Name Type Description
aws_r53_enable Boolean Set this to true if you wish to use an existing AWS Route53 domain. See note. Default is false.
aws_r53_domain_name String Define the root domain name for the application. e.g.'.
aws_r53_sub_domain_name String Define the sub-domain part of the URL. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier.
aws_r53_root_domain_deploy Boolean Deploy application to root domain. Will create root and www records. Default is false.
aws_r53_enable_cert Boolean Set this to true if you wish to manage certificates through AWS Certificate Manager with Terraform. See note. Default is false.
aws_r53_cert_arn String Define the certificate ARN to use for the application. See note.
aws_r53_create_root_cert Boolean Generates and manage the root cert for the application. See note. Default is false.
aws_r53_create_sub_cert Boolean Generates and manage the sub-domain certificate for the application. See note. Default is false.
aws_r53_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to R53 provisioned resources.

Docker Inputs

Name Type Description
docker_install Boolean Toggle docker installation through Ansible. docker-compose up will be excecuted after. Defaults to true.
docker_remove_orphans Boolean Set to true to turn the --remove-orphans flag. Defaults to false.
docker_full_cleanup Boolean Set to true to run docker-compose down and docker system prune --all --force --volumes after. Runs before docker_install. WARNING: docker volumes will be destroyed.
docker_repo_app_directory_cleanup Boolean Will generate a timestamped compressed file (in the home directory of the instance) and delete the app repo directory. Runs before docker_install and after docker_full_cleanup.
docker_cloudwatch_enable Boolean Toggle cloudwatch creation for Docker. Create a file named docker-daemon.json in your repo root dir if you need to customize it. Defaults to false. Check docker docs.
docker_cloudwatch_lg_name String Log group name. Will default to ${aws_resource_identifier}-docker-logs if none.
docker_cloudwatch_skip_destroy Boolean Toggle deletion or not when destroying the stack. Defaults to false.
docker_cloudwatch_retention_days String Number of days to retain logs. 0 to never expire. Defaults to 14. See note.

Action Outputs

Name Description
aws_vpc_id The selected VPC ID used.
vm_url The URL of the generated app.
instance_endpoint The URL of the generated ec2 instance.
ec2_sg_id SG ID for the EC2 instance.

Environment variables

For envirnoment variables in your app, you can provide:

  • env_repo - A file in your repo that contains env vars
  • env_ghv - An entry in Github actions variables
  • env_ghs - An entry in Github secrets
  • env_aws_secret - The path to a JSON format secret in AWS

These environment variables are merged (in the following order) to the .env file and provided to both the Prometheus and Grafana services:

  • Terraform passed env vars ( This is not optional nor customizable )
  • Repository checked-in env vars - repo_env file as default. (KEY=VALUE style)
  • Github Secret - Create a secret named DOT_ENV - (KEY=VALUE style)
  • AWS Secret - JSON style like '{"key":"value"}'

Note about resource identifiers

Most resources will contain the tag ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}, some of them, even the resource name after. We limit this to a 60 characters string because some AWS resources have a length limit and short it if needed.

We use the kubernetes style for this. For example, kubernetes -> k(# of characters)s -> k8s. And so you might see some compressions are made.

For some specific resources, we have a 32 characters limit. If the identifier length exceeds this number after compression, we remove the middle part and replace it for a hash made up from the string itself.

S3 buckets naming

Buckets names can be made of up to 63 characters. If the length allows us to add -tf-state, we will do so. If not, a simple -tf will be added.

CERTIFICATES - Only for AWS Managed domains with Route53

As a default, the application will be deployed and the ELB public URL will be displayed.

If aws_r53_enable and aws_r53_enable_cert are true, we will look up for a certificate with the name of the domain defined in aws_r53_domain_name. (eg. We expect that certificate to contain both and * in the defined region.

Setting aws_r53_create_root_cert to true will create this certificate with both and * for you, and validate them. (DNS validation).

Setting aws_r53_create_sub_cert to true will create a certificate just for the subdomain, and validate it.

⚠️ Be very careful here! Created certificates are fully managed by Terraform. Therefor they will be destroyed upon stack destruction.

To change a certificate (root_cert, sub_cert, ARN or pre-existing root cert), you must first toogle aws_r53_enable_cert to false, run the action, and then set the aws_r53_enable_cert flag to true, add the desired settings and excecute the action again. (This will destroy the first certificate.)

This is necessary due to a limitation that prevents certificates from being changed while in use by certain resources.

Made with BitOps

BitOps allows you to define Infrastructure-as-Code for multiple tools in a central place. This action uses a BitOps Operations Repository to set up the necessary Terraform and Ansible to create infrastructure and deploy to it.


We would love for you to contribute to bitovi/github-actions-deploy-ollama and help make it even better than it is today!

Would you like to see additional features? Create an issue or a Pull Requests.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.


Deploy Ollama with a WebUI frontend to an EC2 instance







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