Under continous construction !
These files help me to generate a very special graphic, which I call ThreadPictures (because I sew most of them on hard paper with real needle and sewing thread).
If you are interested, all scanned pictures are visible at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1w6j79di8yzphq6/AADA3nOPkDXy6Ndc15HN8FBLa?dl=0 .
New ones will be added to dropbox but also visible on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bithalver/media_set?set=a.10211902977983338.1073741828.1038051428&type=3
To run:
- if you are on linux/*nix/cygwin : ./TP -h
- on any OS: perl ThreadPictures.pl -h
-h (or --help) will print the help: (I do not guarantee this README is up-to-date all the time, run the program to get the latest help)
./TP [-h|--help|-?] # this help and exit
./TP {-v|--version} # 1 line version info and exit
# if -i is missing, reads yaml from stdin
# if -o is missing, output goes to STDOUT
# PARAMETER_STRING should be in the format key=value
# (any number of key-value pair could be specified, each one needs it's own -p )
./TP {-d|--debug} # turns on debug messages EXPERIMENTAL
./TP --help_plane # help on plane types and their parameters
See attached yaml files for examples in the 'input' folder.
- perl 5.10
- YAML::XS module
- Switch module
- Getopt::Long module
- Data::Dumper (only for debug)
- ps2pdf command (part of ghostscript): only if you want a pdf output
Tested with/on:
- windows 7 and 10 using cygwin 2.880, 2.924, 2.932
- perl 5.22.4, 5.32.1, 5.40.0
- ghostscript 9.19, 9.56.1, 10.03.1
- bash and xterm (I do not think their version matter)