- Frotzer
This class contains all the methods needed to create and control a Frotzer instance (which wraps a dfrotz process).
- frotzerOpts :
A data structure containing data defining Frotzer's behaviour. Part of these options are directly traceable to the ones passed to dfrotz via the CLI.
This class contains all the methods needed to create and control a Frotzer instance (which wraps a dfrotz process).
Kind: global class
- Frotzer
- new Frotzer([options])
- .state :
- .options :
- .dfrotz :
- .init([options]) ⇒
- .start([options]) ⇒
- .command(...commands) ⇒
- .send([text]) ⇒
- .save(filename) ⇒
- .restore(filename) ⇒
- .quit() ⇒
- .kill() ⇒
The constructor of the Frotzer instance. Frotzer wraps a
dfrotz process that can be controlled via a CLI. The
constructor optionally takes as input a frotzerOpts structure to
initialize the module. For some of the options, defaults are used if the
option is not passed (refer to the frotzerOpts documentation for a
list of the defaults). Some of them must be set in advance to be
able to start a game (e.g. the storyfile
Returns: Object
- The Frotzer instance.
Param | Type | Description |
[options] | frotzerOpts |
The options to use for the initialization of Frotzer. If they are not passed to the constructor then defaults are used. |
const {Frotzer} = require('@bitbxl/frotzer');
let options = {storyfile: 'Ruins.z5'};
let frotzer = new Frotzer(options);
(async () => {
let responses = await frotzer.start();
// responses contains:
// ['[Please press SPACE to begin.]', 'Days of searching, days of thirsty
// hacking through the briars of the forest, but at last your patience was
// rewarded. A discovery! (etc...)']
The internal state of Frotzer which affects its ability to start a game. The state, which mainly depends on the running state of the dfrotz instance, can have the following values:
: a game cannot be started yet due to missing or incomplete optionsready
: a game is ready to be started.running
: a game has been already started. It can be controlled by sending commands through the Frotzer instance methods.
Kind: instance property of Frotzer
Default: `idle`
frotzer.options : frotzerOpts
The data structure containing the options that are currently set in Frotzer. See frotzerOpts for the meaning of each option.
Kind: instance property of Frotzer
frotzer.dfrotz : ChildProcess
The Node's child process in which dfrotz is running. It is null
if a
game has not been started yet.
Kind: instance property of Frotzer
This method is used to initialize Frotzer before starting a game (if not done already at instantiation time using the constructor). Typically the frotzerOpts structure is passed to change the options currently set in Frotzer. The passed values will overwrite the existing ones.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<null>
- A null
if Frotzer is inrunning
Param | Type | Description |
[options] | frotzerOpts |
The options to use for the initialization of Frotzer. They overwrite the existing ones. |
const {Frotzer} = require('@bitbxl/frotzer');
let options = {storyfile: 'Ruins.z5'};
let frotzer = new Frotzer(options);
(async () => {
await frotzer.start();
// Frotzer cannot start (no storyfile passed)
await frotzer.init(options);
// Frotzer is ready to start
// ...
This method is used to start Frotzer. When started, a dfrotz process is created in the background. The process is controlled via in/out streams to/from the dfrotz CLI. A frotzerOps structure can be passed to overwrite the options alsready set. Note that these passed values will overwrite some of the currently set options before starting the dfrotz process in the backgroud.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<Array.<String>>
- The response(s) of dfrotz after the start sequence.
if Frotzer is already in either inidle
if the passed frotzerOpts are not valid or incomplete.
Param | Type | Description |
[options] | frotzerOpts |
The options to apply before starting Frotzer. They overwrite the existing ones. |
// Frotzer has been partially initialized. But no storyfile has been
// provided yet.
let options = {storyfile: 'Ruins.z5'}
let frotzer = new Frotzer(options);
(async () => {
await frotzer.start(options);
// Frotzer starts Ruins...
// ...
This method is used to send commands to the dfrotz background process once a game is successfully started in Frotzer. The commands are streamed directly to the dfrotz CLI. This method accepts one or more commands in the form of multiple input arguments and/or arrays of commands. An array containing the response(s) is returned.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<Array.<String>>
- The array containing the response(s) from dfrotz
if Frotzer is not inrunning
Param | Type | Description |
...commands | String | Array.<String> |
The command(s) to be passed to dfrotz |
// Frotzer is in running state.
// input as single argument
let response = await frotzer.command('pick up mushroom');
// returns "[You pick up the green mushroom from the ground]"
// input as multiple arguments
let responses = await frotzer.command('drop bag', 'go east');
// returns ["You drop your bag on the floor", "You step into the great hall of the castle..."]
// input as Array
let responses = await frotzer.command(['talk to Ada', 'hi!']);
// returns ["Ada turns her eyes to you and smiles", "Hey you!"]
// All the above apporaches can be mixed up
This method is used to send raw text to the dfrotz background process.
The text is streamed directly to the dfrotz CLI. send()
can be useful
when the player is requested to interact with the game using the keyboard
keys. To send commands it is better use the command method
which can process multiple of them at the same time.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<null>
- A null
if Frotzer is not inrunning
Param | Type | Description |
[text] | frotzerOpts |
The raw text to pass to the dfrotz CLI. Note that an ending \n shall be included to have dfrotz processing the commands. |
// dfrotz is requesting the player to use the arrow keys to control the game.
let upChar = String.fromCharCode(38); // arrow up
// Sending commands using send(). Remind the \n at the end.
frotzer.send('go west\n');
This method is used to save the state of the game currently running in
Frotzer. save()
executes the sequence of commands in dfrotz as specified
in the seq.save
field of the frotzerOpts structure, which can be
customized. save()
takes as imput the name of the file in which the game
state has to be stored. The directory to use can be specified in the
field of the Frotzer options (see frotzerOpts). Careful, if
the file already exists then it is overwritten.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<Array.<String>>
- The response(s) of dfrotz as an array of values.
if Frotzer is not inrunning
Param | Type | Description |
filename | String |
The name of the file in which the game state has to be stored. |
// Frotzer is in running state. The default save directory in the options is
// './'.
await frotzer.save('myGame.qzl');
// The game state is saved in the file 'myGame.qzl' located in
// the project root.
This method is used to restore the state of the game currently running in
Frotzer. restore()
executes the sequence of commands in dfrotz as
specified in the seq.restore
field of the frotzerOpts structure,
which can be customized. restore()
takes as imput the name of the file
from which the game state has to be restored. The direcotry to use
can be specified in the savedir
field of the Frotzer options (see
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<Array.<String>>
- The response(s) of dfrotz as an array of values.
if a file having the input filename is not existing in the target directoryError
if Frotzer is not inrunning
Param | Type | Description |
filename | String |
The name of the file from which the game state has to be restored. |
// Frotzer is in running state. The default save directory in the options is
// './'.
await frotzer.restore('myGame.qzl');
// The game state is restored from the file 'myGame.qzl' located in
// the project root.
This method is used to quit dfrotz and move Frotzer to ready
executes a sequence of dfrotz commands as specified in the
field of the frotzerOpts structure, which can be
customized. The last string in the response(s) returned by quit
is a
default value specified by seq.quit_endmarker
in the Frotzer's options,
which can be also customized.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<Array.<String>>
- The response(s) of dfrotz after the quit sequence
if Frotzer is not inrunning
// Frotzer is in running state.
await frotzer.quit();
// returns ["Are you sure?", "<END>"]
This method is used to kill the dfrotz process and move Frotzer to ready
state. kill()
is another way to terminate dfrotz. Differently from
quit the termination is commanded at OS level. The state
is moved to ready
at the end of the execution.
Kind: instance method of Frotzer
Returns: Promise.<null>
- A null
if Frotzer is not inrunning
// Frotzer is in running state.
await frotzer.kill();
// dfrotz process is killed, Frotzer's state is `ready`
A data structure containing data defining Frotzer's behaviour. Part of these options are directly traceable to the ones passed to dfrotz via the CLI.
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
options.dfexec | String |
The path of the executable used to launch dfrotz. The base path is the module root. Default is ./frotz/dfrotz . |
options.dfopts | String |
The options (in an array) to pass to dfrotz. Default is ['-m'] (this switches off the MORE prompts). See here for a list of the dfrotz 's options. |
options.storyfile | String |
The storyfile to load when starting dfrotz. Setting in advance this option is obviousy mandatory to be able to start a game. |
options.storydir | String |
The directory containing the storyfiles. The base path is the project root. Default is ./ (the project root itself) |
options.savedir | String |
The directory to use to store and load game states. The base path is the project root. Default is ./ (the project root itself) |
options.filter | String |
The filter to use to render the results of the commands returned by dfrotz. Available options are oneline (all compressed in one line, no prompt), compact (removes trailing and multiple spaces, minimizes the number of \n\r , no prompt) and none (no filter applied). Default is compact . |
options.seq.quit | Array.<String> |
The sequence of commands executed in dfrotz to quit the game. Default is ['quit', 'yes'] . |
options.seq.quit_endmarker | String |
The string to use as last response after the termination of the dfrotz process. Default is <END> . |
options.seq.save | Array.<String> |
The sequence of commands executed by dfrotz to save a game state. The value @filename in the sequence will be substituted by the filename passed to the save method. Default is ['save', '@filename'] . |
options.seq.restore | Array.<String> |
The sequence of commands executed by dfrotz to restore a game state. The value @filename in the sequence will be substituted by the filename passed to the restore method. Default is ['restore', '@filename'] . |
options.seq.start | Array.<String> |
The sequence of commands executed just after starting dfrotz. Defaut is [''] (empty string) meaning that it will be sent just a \n (to skip automatically a first request to press a key). |
options.seq.start_drop | Integer |
The number of initial responses to drop after the start. Default is 1 (this tipically removes from the response(s) the dfrotz launch command displayed on the shell). |