Websync updated to run on alpine linux with newer ssh and container format.
Original from https://github.com/furier/websync
websync can now be found @ docker, get it here!
All you have to do is
sudo docker pull gibbz/websync
sudo docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v /path/share:/path/share furier/websync
and you are done!
Create a websync folder with empty wsdata.json file if you want to store a copy of your data.
image: gibbz/websync
container_name: websync
restart: unless-stopped
- /backup_dir:/backup
- /source_dir:/source
- ./websync/wsdata.json:/src/wsdata.json
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- 3000:3000
docker build -t gibbz/websync .
docker run -i -t gibbz/websync /bin/sh
First run the container.
docker container run --name debug -d -w /src gibbz/websync node server.js
Then connect.
docker container exec -it debug /bin/sh
This will be tagged when the above build is done also.
docker tag websync:latest gibbz/websync:latest
docker push gibbz/websync:latest