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IPC (inter-process communication) project at 42school


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42_minitalk - client sending a (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ to the server -

This type of project is a IPC (inter-process communication) between 'server' and 'client' TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) process, using UNIX signals (SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2).

minitalkm 125sucess

Screenshot from 2024-04-29 12-46-22

It's a message-passing system, which has at least two operations and one method type:

  • (operation of) send a message (with fixed ou variable length size)
  • (operation of) receive a message
  • (methods of) a communication link:
    • Direct ou indirect communication
    • A-sync or Synchronous
    • Automatic ou explicit buffering

This project it's also about SIGNALS in UNIX ;) The communication between the client and server has to be done only using two UNIX signals: SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.

The SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 signals are set aside for you to use any way you want. They’re useful for simple interprocess communication, if you write a signal handler for them in the program that receives the signal. (source:

Project headers

#include <signal.h>		// for signals, kill
#include <sys/socket.h>	// for sockets connections
#include <stdlib.h>		// for exit
#include <unistd.h>		// for sleep, usleep, pause, getpid, write
#include <string.h>		// for memset

Basic knowledge about Signals

Signals inform processes of asynchronous events. Signals it's a short message sent to a process, or group of processes, containing a number identifying the signal. It's similar a event listner in Java (a.k.a. signal handler). The Kernel determines the signal type. Kernel is the core interface between the harware and its processes, making a bridge communication, and managing resources as efficientle as possible. No data is delivered with traditional signals.

Signal classification:

  • Process termination
    • exit process
    • child parameter death
  • Process induced exceptions
    • outside virtual address was accessed
    • write on a read-only memory
    • hardware error or priviledge instruction execution
  • Unrecoverable conditions, during a system call
    • running out of system resource
  • Tracing a process execution
  • Unexpected error condition
    • nonexisting system call
    • writing a pipe that has no reader process
    • illegal reference value for the lseek system call
  • User mode process
    • signal alarm after a time
    • arbritary signals to each other to kill a system call
  • Terminal interaction
    • hangs up terminal
    • press 'break' or 'delete' keys on terminal
  • Kernel checks recipe
    • when process is about to return from user mode kernel
    • when it enters of leaves the sleep state mode

//// (signal name || defaultreturn to user process handler action || description) ////

  • 1# SIGHUP || Terminate || to block
  • 2# SIGINT || Terminate || to INTerrupt a terminal process with ^C (ctrl+c)
  • 3# SIGQUIT || Terminate || QUIT a process (ctrl+d)
  • 5# SIGTRAP || Core || to debbug a program with trace/breakpoints
  • 8# SIGFPE || Core || Arithmetic error
  • 9# SIGKILL || Terminate || lethal signal, and cannot be caught or ignored
  • 11# SIGSEGV || Core || invalid memory reference (seg fault?)
  • 14# SIGALRM || Terminate || Expiry of alarm clock timer
  • 15# SIGTERM || Terminate || A polite "please cleanup && TERMinate" signal (like shutdown a system)
  • 17# SIGCHLD || Ignore || Child process has terminated
  • 18# SIGCONT || Continue || Resumes a stopped process
  • ??# SIG_DFL || Reset || Modify the signal to the default action

Pending and Blocked Signals

The kernel maintains two bit-vectors for every process. It makes a distinction between generating a signal and delivering the signal. signal generation: kernel updates the data structure of the receiving process to record 'the signal was sent' signal delivery: kernel forces the receiving process to respond to the signal (e.g by invoking a signal handler) Every type of signal has a specific bit in this bit-vector

Pending Signal

Pending bit-vector records what signals have yet to be delivered to the process. Each process has: - linked list of pending signals - siginfo_t struct records relevant details of the pending signal - array of signal action structs If multiple instances of a given signal occur before a process receives the signal, it will see only one instance of the signal.

A bit set as 0 = no, there is no peding signal A bit set as 1 = yes, there is a peding signal

Blocked Signal

Blocked bit-vector records what signals are currentle not allowed to be delivered to the process - Can have a signal that is both blocked and pending - When the signal is unblocked, it'll be delivered to the process When a signal is delivered, that type of signal is automatically blocked for the process for: - Preventing a given signal handler from interrupting itself - One kind of signal can interrupt another kind of signal - Can be set and cleared by usin the sigprocmask function

Generating, Delivering && Handling Signals - Use Cases

  • Process_ID + Signal Number (or symbolic constant like SIGTERM)

Screenshot from 2024-04-29 12-35-01

Signal handler (int signum) is a function invoked to response to a given signal. Keep in mid that:

  • Keep your handlers as simple as possible >> like setting a global flag and return.
  • Call only async-signal-safe functions, in your handlers >> like: !printf, !sprintf, !malloc, and !exit.
  • Save and restore errno on entry and exit >> so taht other handlers don't overwrite your value og errno.
  • Protect accesses to shared data structure by temporaly blocking all signals >> to prevent possible corruption
  • Declare global variables as volatile (?) >> to prevent compiler from storing them in a register


  • Declare global flags as volatile sig_atomic_t
  • Create a flag variable that is only read or write. A flag declared the way below does not need to be protect like other globals.
    • flag = 1
    • flag++ ⛔ (<< don't do it like this)

Signal handler struture:

sa_handler = SIG_IGN, SIG_DFL, or your handler

sa_mask = set of signals to be blocked during the execution in an array of booleans

sa_flags = optional flags, like SA_RESTART, SA_NODEREF, SA_RESETHAND

// Establishing handlers with sigaction()
sigaction(signal_type, &newaction, &oldaction);

struct sigaction {
void		(*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
void		(*sa_handler)(int);				
sigset_t	sa_mask;
int			sa_flags;
void		(*sa_restorer)(void);


The structure Must always initialize the signal set first, by calling sigemptyset() or sigfillset(), adding your &variable inside of it.


Here is an OLD signal handler implementation: signal(SIGINT, signal_callback_handler); // avoid using signal()

Blocking Signals SIG_BLOCK // add these signals to the mask SIG_UNBLOCK // remove these signals from the mask SIG_SETMASK // assign this signal set to the mask

// set = set of signals to add/subtract
// olset = return the previous mask here
sigprocmask(how, &set, &oldset);

// usage method:
sigset_t set;
sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);

sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL);

Signal system calls 1# case

Here I'm using sigaction(2) (source:

void	cleanup (int signum)
	printf("Caugth the signal number: %d\n", signum);
	printf("Doing program clean-up and exiting...\n");
void	handle_sigtstp(int sig)
	printf("\nNOT TODAY, haha\n");

int	main (int argc, char **argv)
	struct sigaction	sigact;					// signal action structure
	char	*client_char;

	client_char = NULL;
	// memset((void *)&sigact, 0, sizeof(sigact));	// zero memory for sigact struct
	sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask);			// to initialize and clear all the bits
	// sigact.sa_handler = cleanup;			// set signal handler function
	sigact.sa_handler = &handle_sigtstp;		// another set signal handler function
	sigact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;

	if (argc == 2)
		client_char = argv[1];
		sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sigact, NULL);
		// SIGTSTP = to avoid terminate with 'Ctrl+Z' signal
		// in this case, the 3rd param will be NULL because I don't have another
		// sigaction to use the actual result in that sigaction
		while (1)
			printf("client char = %s -> pid[%d]\n", client_char, getpid());
		printf("Usage: ./a.out [char]\n");
		return (-1);

Signal system calls 2# case

Here I'm using signal() function, which reproduces the same behavior of sigaction. However, as the manual signal(2) says: the behaviour of signal() varies across UNIX versions, and has also vired historically across different version of Lunix. AVOID ITS USE. Use sigcation(2) instead.

int	x = 100;	// global variable, just for this example ^.^

void signal_handler01(int signum)
	x +=10;
	ft_printf("#1 task :: x =%d\n", x);

void signal_handler02(int signum)
	x +=200;
	ft_printf("#2 task :: x =%d\n", x);

void signal_handler03(int signum)
	x +=3000;
	ft_printf("#3 task :: x =%d\n", x);

int	main(void)
	pid_t pid;
	signal(SIGINT, signal_handler01);	// task to perform = signal_handler01
	signal(SIGUSR1, sinal_handler02);	// task to perform = signal_handler02
	signal(SIGUSR3, sinal_handler03);	// task to perform = signal_handler03
	pid = fork();
	if (pid == 0)
		pid_t parent = getpid();
		kill(parent, SIGINT);
		kill(parent, SIGUSR1);
		kill(parent, SIGUSR2);
		ft_printf("Child fork says x = %d\n", x);
		return (0);
		int stat;


But still useful information for brain connections, lol


A socket is identified by an IP address concatenated with a port number (like->

  • the server waits for incomming client request by listening to a specified port. Once a request is received, the server accepts a conncetion from the client socket to complete the connection
  • all ports below 1024 are considered well know, and already reserved. This means that there are ports for specific standard services like: telnet(23), ftp(23), http(80) and so on...
  • every IPC process should have a client socket AND a server socket

All 42 Badges -- the astronomer Human Coder -- were done by Larissa Cristina @mewmewdevart