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Test Benchmarks

Snakemake pipeline for benchmarking read mappers

This is a Snakemake pipeline for benchmarking read mappers. The idea behind this pipeline is:

  • It can be used to benchmark new read mappers (no need to spend time writing your own benchmarking scripts if you develop a read mapper). Adding a read mapper should be fairly easy.
  • It can be used to get an up-to-date overview of how given read mappers perform on a given type of reads/scenario. This way, we can more easily be up-to-date on how mappers perform, and we can test the specific scenarios we are interested in at any given time.
  • It has been developed with the goal of being easy to clone and run by anyone (Conda is used to avoid any manual installation/setup). It should be fairly straight-forward by anyone to clone this repository and test read mappers using a configuration of their choice.
  • The aim is also to have automatic benchmarks run frequently on larger data sets, so that one easily can get an overview of how mappers perform on the most common cases without having to run this pipeline. Currently, this runs every night using the latest configurations defined in config/plots.yml.

This pipeline is open source, and anyone can contribute (see the Contribute section).

How to use

Latest benchmarking results

You will find the latest results here. If you want these to include other parameters/settings, feel free to edit the configuration files and make a pull-request (see guide below).

Run benchmarks locally

  1. Install Snakemake and Conda if you havn't already.
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Install the python package: cd mapping-benchmarking && pip install .
  4. Run:

You can generate a test report to check that the pipeline is working. This takes about 10 minutes to finish:

snakemake --use-conda --cores 4 reports/

You can generate a specific plot (defined in config/plots.yml) like this:

snakemake --use-conda --cores 4 plots/my_plot.png

Se guide below for more on how to configure types of runs.


This is a list of concrete tasks that can be done to contribute to this project. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in doing any of these tasks.

Help defining the benchmarks

If you have experience with using read mappers, you may have an idea about what are important performance features of read mappers. We want to include benchmarks in this pipeline that show a broad range of relevant features and how read mappers behave under different circumstances. If you see anything that is currently missing, feel free to reach out. For instance, we hope to implement benchmarking on long reads, which would require someone with experience from long read mapping to help us define what is important to benchmark.

Helping writing the manuscript

We are currently writing a short manuscript describing the project. This will likely be posted in BioRxiv later this spring. If you are interested in helping with the writing, feel free to reach out. It is possible to help writing (describing the project, creating figures, etc.) without having to contribute to the code. The manuscript is open and under development here.

Add new read-mappers to the pipeline

See Add a new read-mapper under Developer guide.

Add plots/cases to the config

All plots are specified in config/plots.yaml. For any plots that rely on already implemented parameters and result types (as defined in config/config.yaml), no code is necesary, and the plots can be defined and built only by configuring them in config/plot.yml.

Feel free to edit that file to add plots you believe are useful, and make a pull request. See Developer guide for how this configuration works.

Creating a website with the results

Currently, all results are just displayed in markdown files. We would like to have a sphinx or mkdocs-generated site hosted at Github with the plots, structured in some nice and meaningful way. This should be generated automatically using Github actions. If you have any experience with this, or want to give a try at defining how the benchmarkings results can be presented in a nice way, feel free to reach out.

Developer guide

As part of this snakemake pipeline, we have developed a small Python package Snakehelp for making it easier to write rules with many wildcards. We are not sure if our solution is the best, but without this package we ended up with very many rules with copied wildcard-paths which were hard to maintain.

The idea is to use the Snakehelp package and define paths using dataclasses in Python. All objects are defined in the file src/mapping_benchmarking/ The idea is that you define a dataclass for each type of object and then use ClassName.path() in the Snakemake rules instead of manually writing paths. The path()-method generated a wildcard-path. See the Snakehelp documentation for more details.

This graph shows the current pipeline:


Creating a plot

This pipeline follows the Snakemake principles, meaning that the user defines what the final result should be, and then the pipeline tries to run the necessary jobs for creating that output. For instance, you can ask for a plot where the x-axis is something, the y-axis is something and the pipeline will try to run what is needed to generate that plot. "Something" needs to be a valid parameter or result_type, and based on that, the pipeline figures out what rules to run. For instance, the x-axis could be method (i.e. read mapper) and the y-axis can be memory_usage and the pipeline will then run all methods and capture the memory usage and present that.

You can add a plot type by adding a configuration under plot_types in config/plots.yaml. Example:

    type: line
    x: read_length
    y: mapping_f1_score
    color: method
    facet_col: variant_filter
    facet_row: error_profile

The above defines a plot type with the name accuracy_vs_read_length. We tell the pipeline to make a plot type where the x-axis is read_length and the y-axis is mapping_f1_score. The "color" is method, which means that we want one line for each available method (color is the term that Plotly uses). We want to repeat this plot for different "variant_filters" along the columns (specified by facet_col) and for different error profiles along the rows (specified by facet_row). Note that only x and y are mandatory, the rest can be ommited (in that case only a single plot is created).

The above only specifies a plot_type, not a plot. For instance, we say that the x-axis should have method, but we don't tell it which methods to include. Using this plot type, we can specify actual plots with data, under the plots-section in the same YAML-file:

    plot_type: accuracy_vs_read_length

We can now ask Snakemake to generate my_plot:

snakemake plots/my_plot.png

.. which should create something like this:

Plot example

Note that running the above will generate a plot with default values for all variables (method, read length etc). This is because no parameters were specified. The default values are specified in python config file at mapping-benchmarking/ The default parameter set value are defined in config/config.yaml. For instance, the default parameter_set for read length is [75, 150, 300]. The default individual is hg002. If you want to change any of the defaults, you can easily do that. Example:

    plot_type: accuracy_vs_read_length
      min_mapq: 30
      individual: hg003

Now, if creating my_plot it will be run for hg003 and not hg002 which is the default. The minimum mapq for reads considered will be 30 (not 0 which is the default value).

Se result_types and parameter_types in config/config.yaml for a list of valid paramters and results that can be used to generate plots. As long as your plot is defined in terms of these, you can generate any plot by only writing the configuration for the plot.

Adding a read mapper

Read-mappers that are not currently listed in config.yaml can be added. Follow these steps below. We assume you already have some experience with writing Snakemake rules, if not check out the Snakemake documentation first.

  1. Add the mapper where necessary as an allowed value in mapping-benchmarking/
  2. Create a .smk file in rules for the mapper (e.g. bwa.smk)
  3. Implement rules for running single-end and paired-end read mapping. Se the rule in rules/bwa.yml for a good example of how to do this.
  4. The rules can also take an index as input if that is needed, you will then need to implement a rule for creating the index (see the bwa_index rule for reference).
  5. As output, the rules should produce a bam-file.
  6. The rule should use the n_threads wildcard as a parameter to specify number of threads.
  7. Either use a Snakemake wrapper or specify a conda-environment for the rule. Nothing should be needed to be installed manually. Note that some Snakemake wrappers do not use the n_threads parameter correctly (e.g. the BWA MEM and bowtie wrappers). If that is the case, you need to implement the run-command yourself and use a conda environment.

Add a new read type

Reads are currently simulated using ART in the rule simulate_reads_for_chromosome_and_haplotype but any tool that is able to take a fasta file (reference) and produce simulated reads and truth positions of those reads will work. There are also rules using Mason instead of ART, but from our experience ART is much faster.

The idea behind read simulation is currently that two haploid references are created and that reads are simulated independently on those. The truth positions are then "translated" to the real reference genome coordinates. This is a bit complicated, and not how read simulation is normally done, but this lets us simulate from a diploid genome and do benchmarking of variant calling and genotyping since we can have heterozygous variants. All the conversion of coordinates is taken care of as long as the read simulation rule outputs the correct files.

The pipeline does currently not support long read sequences, but this could be included by and named whole_genome_long_reads for the parameter called read_type with a rule similar to simulate_reads_for_chromosome_and_haplotype. Please reach out if you are interested in trying to implement long read simulation.


Snakemake pipeline for benchmarking read mappers






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