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Setting up for development

Starting from scratch, there are two options:

  1. Start with an empty database

  2. From existing data

Option 1. Clean start

The following directories are mounted as volumes and must to belong to the user 1021 and group 1002. Create and chown 1021:1002 them first if they don't exist:

  • volumes/mysql_data/
  • volumes/tmp/
  • volumes/uploads/

In addition, the credentials JSON should be placed into secrets/credentials.json.

Therefore, to get the API running from scratch, the process is as follows:

cd halodb-api
mkdir -p volumes/{mysql_data,tmp,uploads} secrets
cp /path/to/credentials.json secrets/credentials.json
sudo chown -R 1021:1002 volumes
docker compose up --build

Option 2. From existing data

Alternatively, copy existing data from a running instance. It should contain the following data:

  • volumes/mysql_data/...
  • volumes/tmp/...
  • volumes/uploads/...
  • secrets/...

A snapshot tarball can be directly extracted into this directory with:

sudo tar --same-owner -xvf halodb-snapshot.tar.gz

Note: Sudo is required in order to write these files as a different user (in this case 1021:1002)

When using a snapshot from production for development, remember to update the values of any passwords in docker-compose.override.yml with the corresponding values from the secrets directory.

Summing up, to start an instance from an existing snapshot:

cd halodb-api
sudo tar --same-owner -xvf /path/to/halodb_snapshot.tar.gz
# remember to update docker-compose.override.yml with passwords from secrets
vim docker-compose.override.yml
docker compose up --build

Differences between development and production

Docker Compose

  • Development is the default when running docker compose ...
  • Production requires specifying overrides manually. A shortcut script is included.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml ...
# or
./ ...

Remember to append --build if there have been any changes to the Dockerfile or copied files (see below).


Run a development server and attach to see the logs

docker compose up --build -d && docker compose logs -f

Start a production server (detached)

./ up --build -d

Dockerfile differences

The Dockerfile is structured as a multi-stage build, with a different stage for development (the base) and production (appropriately named production).

The main differences are:

  • In production, ./api is copied into the image, gunicorn runs with more workers/threads, and logs are written to access.log and error.log files, with default log level INFO.
  • In development, hot-reload is enabled (the sources from ./api are mounted instead), gunicorn runs with a single worker and 2 threads, logs are written to standard output and the default log level is DEBUG.

Volumes and copied files overview

In development, the following directories are mounted:

  • app: ./api:/opt/halodb-api/api:ro
  • app: ./volumes/tmp:/opt/halodb-api/tmp
  • app: ./volumes/uploads:/opt/halodb-api/uploads
  • mysql: ./sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro
  • mysql: ./volumes/mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql

and MySQL credentials are defined with environment variables.

In production, ./api is copied into the container instead, and the following are mounted

  • app: /data/shared/halodb/logs:/var/log/halodb-api
  • app: /data/shared/halodb/tmp:/opt/halodb-api/tmp
  • app: /data/shared/halodb/uploads:/opt/halodb-api/uploads
  • mysql: ./sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro
  • mysql: /data/shared/halodb/mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql

and MySQL credentials are defined via docker secrets.

To run a production server locally, remember to update these paths to your local directories (presumably from a snapshot).


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