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Project 5: JavaScript Calculator


Your team must meet and choose four project manager's for this assignment. The project managers roles are:

  • The overall project manager will coordinate and check quality for the entire project.
  • The implementation project manager will coordinate and check quality for the coding tasks.
  • The documentation project manager will coordinate and check quality for documenting code.
  • The testing project manager will coordinate and check quality for testing code.

All team members must participate when deciding on which four different team members to assign to the roles. Though, the team member who plays the role of the overall project manager must be a team member who already has the most experience with the Ruby language.

The responsibility of a manager is to oversee and help coordinate work accomplished by the group. A project manager must participate in the implementation of the project as well as perform managerial tasks.

The role of a manager is NOT to tell anyone what to do or boss anyone around. Team members are NOT to dump work on a manager or assume that a manager will do their work for them, especially if you have procrastinated or have not studied the course material well. You as a team member are responsible for the work you take on and to report to ALL other team members on the progress and quality of your work.

Individual Assignment

BEFORE starting the group portion of the project EACH team member must individually accomplish the following:

  • Thoroughly study the lecture notes on Git and Ruby
  • Accomplish any tutorials and related reading material indicated in the Resources section of the course website
  • Also, look over the reading material in the "Software Engineering" portion of the Resources section of the course website

Important Note: A team member who is ill prepared before starting the group portion of this assignment because s/he has not sufficiently accomplished the individual portion of the assignment above cannot use this as an excuse for that team member to contribute less work on the project. Those team members who are ill prepared MUST put in more time and effort than other team members to prepare in order to be able to contribute EQUALLY with all other team members. In addition, those team members that are well prepared MUST work to help those that need to catch up with the material.

It is the responsibility of EVERY team member to ensure that each team member contributed equally to the final solution submitted to the graders.

Your project will be graded not only on your group's solution but also on how well your group worked together to arrive at your final solution. An imbalance of the work load will result in a lower grade for the project regardless of the quality of the solution.

Group Assignment

  • Your team must meet face-to-face each week with all team members present on the agreed upon day and time your team members indicated to me in your Project #1 submission.
  • Your team should have additional face-to-face meetings. You should also determine additional channels of communication with team members since you will need to integrate your work with others.
  • Your team should plan and allocate time to integrate your work well before the deadline. I suggest that the team work with the overall project manager to set team deadlines early so that all team members know the status of everyone's work. Create a schedule that all team members can agree to adhere to and work to achieve towards.
  • Use your team's private repository on GitHub to help manage the development of your team's solution. We will provide this private repository for your team in our GitHub organization called cse3901-osu-2018su.

JavaScript Calculator

Design a web page that looks and behaves like a classic calculator. For example, take a look at the functionality of the Standard calculator installed with Microsoft Windows installations, which uses an accumulator. There should be buttons for the digits 0-9, basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) and an = button. Your calculator should also have a memory feature, with corresponding buttons (e.g., MS, MR, M+). Finally, your calculator should have a way to clear the display and clear memory. This is the minimum set of features your calculator must have. But you may choose to add more features such as: more arithmetic operators (square root, exponentiation), more modes (hex/binary/decimal, degrees/radians), more functions (trigonometry). You may choose to implement a calculator such as the Scientific calculator installed with Microsoft Windows installations.

Implement the calculator functionality using Javascript. You may layout your calculator interface as an HTML table. Use HTML and CSS as you like.

Do NOT use the eval function provided by Javascript. Your implementation must effectively use the Javascript language to implement the functionality you decide to implement. Do NOT use any frameworks such as JQuery. If you have any questions, please ask me first.


  • 78% Implementation
  • 10% Balanced work load Graders will determine the work load balance of your group work by using Git and Github repository analytics and documentation. In order to receive the full 10% of this portion of your grade, your team must show to the graders that work was equally balanced between the team members. Thus, your team must make a conscious effort to show Git and Github activity by all team members. In addition, your team must clearly document individual contributions in your documentation (see below) throughout the development of your solution. Activity that indicates only one or two members submitting work will result in a reduction in points.

``` If team members develop source code in a [Pair Programming]( scenario then documentation must clearly indicate only the team member(s) who substantially contributed to the source code. Making minor changes or suggestions does not count as _substantial_ contributions. If one team member contributed more than the other team member in the pair, then your documentation must indicate this. If a team member simply watched the other team member program or contributed very little, then do not indicate this team member as a contributor to the source code. ```
  • 5% Documentation Your team must document your solution well. Ensure that documentation is consistent across all source code.
At the top of each file you must indicate which team member created the file and the date of creation. Whenever a team member edits a file to add functionality or perform debugging that team member must add their name at the top of the file and indicate the date of their changes and a single line description of their changes. The top of the file must also contain a short paragraph that provides an overall description of the contents of the file, e.g. what problem you are solving.

``` Each module (e.g. Javascript function) must indicate the name of the team member that created that function and the date. Each team member that edits the module must add their name to the list of authors and indicate the date of their changes and as well as a single line description of their changes. In addition, each module must have at least a single line comment that describes the functionality of the module. ```

Use single line commenting where appropriate but not excessive.
  • 5% Testing At a minimum, your team must provide the graders with a description of your test plan and indicate what does and does not work. It would be very helpful if you provide test cases to the graders as well for both Unit and Integration testing (also see lecture notes).

  • 2% readme file (see below)


Individual submission: Download a peer evaluation form from your Carmen account, print out the form, and fill out with a pen. Complete this form individually only, i.e. not as a group. Submit this form in class on the next class meeting after the due date. Please staple, if needed!

Group submission: The graders will retrieve your work (readme plus your solution) from your team's Github private repository provided for you under the course's organization cse3901-osu-2018su. All team member's work must eventually be merged into a final committed version in Git. The readme contains the names of each project manager and states what each team member specifically contributed to the final submission. For the latter, only report on contributions that made it into to the final solution. Clearly indicate which team members performed testing and to which portions of the solutions. Also include any instructions to the grader as to how to execute the code.

You will submit your project by simply creating a git tag called "submission" and then pushing this new tag to your shared repository. (A tag is basically an immutable branch.)

That is:

$ git tag -a submission -m "completed project"
$ git push origin submission

IMPORTANT: Your repository must include a README text file containing the name of each project manager and a description of each team member's specific contributions to the final submission. Clearly indicate each team member's contributions to development, testing, documentation, etc. Also include instructions for the grader as to how to execute your program.