Toolset -
- Visual Studio 2022 + .NET Core 8
- Video equipment: GoPro Max, but could be applicable to other types
- Acquire 360 video using GoPro: Suggest recording in Time Lapse mode, speeds up to 0.5 seconds. This creates *.360 video
- Extract GPX trace from original *.360 video using Python script gopro2gpx
- Use GoPro app to export to 5.6K .mov H264 video
- Use FFMPEG to extract each frame image from .MP4 video
- Sample command line: ffmpeg.exe -i $1 -qmin 1 -qscale:v 1 -nostdin "$outputDir/$baseFilename/$baseFilename"_%06d.jpg
- Where $1 is the .MP4 export file from the GoPro app and $outputDire and $baseFilename are batch file variables
- Run this app (AddExifInfo) on the output directory to match the GPX to images and update EXIF tags.
- Upload to Mapillary / Kartaview