A tool to manage X posts - tweet, reply, delete, image uploads (e.g., Cloudflare Images). Python 3.10+, Windows and Linux
Get X Dev account is free https://developer.x.com/
pip install requests requests-oauthlib rich
export X_CONSUMER_KEY="your_key"
export X_CONSUMER_SECRET="your_secret"
export X_ACCESS_TOKEN="your_token"
export X_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="your_token_secret"
source ~/.zshrc
python x.py [global_options] <command> [command_options]
These can be used with any command:
- Description: Expose raw data streams from the X matrix (e.g., API responses) for debugging.
- Example:
python x.py post "Test" --verbose
- Output: Shows detailed JSON responses from API calls.
- Description: Display the full help menu with setup instructions and examples.
- Example:
python x.py --help
- Output: Lists all commands, options, and setup steps.
Transmit a message or thread into X cyberspace, with optional image or reply.
python x.py post "message" [options]
message (required)
- Description: The data packet to transmit (supports emojis).
- Example:
"Testing the grid! 😊"
- Description: URL of a visual payload (e.g., Cloudflare Image URL).
- Example:
--image-url https://imagedelivery.net/.../public
- Note: Works with URLs lacking extensions if they serve images (checked via content-type).
- Description: Target tweet ID to reply to in the grid.
- Example:
--reply-to 1893520325645861269
- Description: Simulate transmission without sending to X (preview only).
- Example:
- Output: Shows tweet fragments and image URL without posting.
# Simple post
python x.py post "Hello cyberspace!"
# With image only
python x.py post "🖼️" -i https://imagedelivery.net/WfhVb8dSNAAvdXUdMfBuPQ/695bc126-614d-4571-908d-5a5173127100/public
# Thread preview - dry run doesn't send
python x.py post "This is a long message that will split into multiple parts..." --dry-run
# Reply to post
python x.py post "Hey World" --reply-to 1893572351994019980
# Reply to post with message and image
python x.py post "Hey World" --reply-to 1893572351994019980 -i https://imagedelivery.net/WfhVb8dSNAAvdXUdMfBuPQ/695bc126-614d-4571-908d-5a5173127100/public
# Delete post
python x.py delete 1893529363959947744
Purge a tweet from the X matrix by its ID.
python x.py delete <tweet_id> [options]
tweet_id (required)
- Description: The ID of the tweet to erase.
- Example:
- Description: Bypass the confirmation prompt for deletion.
- Example:
- Default: Prompts
"Confirm purge of tweet <id>? [y/N]"
# With prompt
python x.py delete 1893529363959947744
# No prompt
python x.py delete 1893529363959947744 --no-confirm
Reveal the cyberdeck’s version.
python x.py version
python x.py version
Output: X CLI Cyberdeck version 1.3.0-cyberpunk
- Image URLs: Compatible with Cloudflare Image URLs (e.g.,
) as long as they return animage/*
content-type. - Threads: Messages longer than 280 characters are automatically split into a thread, with images attached to the first tweet.
- Cyberpunk Theme: Terminal output uses neon colors (cyan, magenta, green) and futuristic terms like "matrix" and "transmission."
- Windows: For best emoji support (e.g., 😊), use Windows Terminal; a warning appears otherwise.
python x.py post "Cyberpunk terminal test" --image-url https://imagedelivery.net/WfhVb8dSNAAvdXUdMfBuPQ/8a36640e-0d4d-4753-f269-77d3b5946200/public
python x.py delete 1893529363959947744
python x.py version