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executable file
33 lines (24 loc) · 1.16 KB


Does what it says on the tin. Post cats, dogs, sloths, Taylor Swift, catfacts, pugs etc. to Slack.

To run the bot

cd to the MayContainSloths directory

Run your bot from the command line:

SLACK_TOKEN=tokenhere TWITTER_KEY=twitterkeyhere TWITTER_SECRET=twittersecrethere CAT_TOKEN=cattokenhere ADMIN_SLACKNAME=admin.mcadminface npm start

To run the bot in a Docker container

cd to the MayContainSloths directory

Run your bot from the command line:

docker build -t <namegoeshere>/<botnamegoeshere> .
docker run -p 49160:8080 -d <namegoeshere>/<botnamegoeshere>


You can set all tokens in the Dockerfile, where it says:

ENV NODE_ENV=development SLACK_TOKEN=tokenhere TWITTER_KEY=twitterkeyhere TWITTER_SECRET=twittersecrethere CAT_TOKEN=cattokenhere ADMIN_SLACKNAME=taylor.swift

Slack token can be obtained from Twitter key and secret can be obtained by creating a new app at Cat API key can be requested from

Admin user can be your slack handle - it will let that user remove cats and pugs with the 🙅:skin-tone-2: emoji reaction.