The ABFRealmGridController
is a UICollectionViewController
subclass that binds data in Realm. The underlying UICollectionView
will animate changes via use of RBQFetchedResultsController
A Swift API that mirrors the Objective-C version is also available.
To use, simply subclass ABFRealmGridController
in the same way as UICollectionViewController
and set the entityName
property to the Realm object class name you want to display. Similar to an UICollectionView
implementation, you will need to implement the necessary UICollectionViewDelegate
and UICollectionViewDataSource
####Screenshot The example application displays the current top stories from the New York Times. The app requests the stories for each section of the newspaper and adds the individual stories to Realm.
is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ABFRealmGridController'
pod 'RealmGridController'
Build and run/test the Example project in Xcode to see ABFRealmGridController
in action. This project uses CocoaPods. If you don't have CocoaPods installed, grab it with [sudo] gem install cocoapods.
git clone
cd ABFRealmGridController/ABFRealmGridControllerExample
pod install
open ABFRealmGridController.xcworkspace
git clone
cd ABFRealmTableViewController/SwiftExample
pod install
open SwiftRealmGridController.xcworkspace