Viajerando is a website for purchasing and booking travel through itineraries. It has the ability to create new itineraries and destinations. It lists, edits, and deletes existing destinations. It also lists, edits, and deletes existing itineraries. Users must be logged in to access system functionalities such as creating itineraries, listing their itineraries, editing their itineraries, and deleting itineraries. Destinations are registered by an internal administrator.
Its database works as follows: 1 to N Relationship
User Creates at least 0 and at most n Itineraries and an Itinerary is created by a single user:
Table: Itinerary
id - (PK) int
accumulatedPrice - double
startDate - date
endDate - date
idUser - (FK from user) int
Table: User
username - string
email – string
id – (PK) int
cpf - string
phone - string
N to N Relationship
Itinerary has at least 0 and at most n Destinations and Destinations can be in 0 or n Itineraries
Table: Destination
id - (PK) int
city - string
state - string
price - double
boarding - string
description - string
Table Possesses
fkItinerary - int
fkDestination - int
The collection of Endpoints is in a file here in the folder, it can be submitted in the POSTMAN application where you can see all the routes created. It is also available at the link:
Frontend GitHub Repository: Backend GitHub Repository:
To run the project, first open the Backend in the IntelliJ IDE and execute the DemoApplication file which will start running on port 8080.
Then you need to open the Frontend in Visual Studio Code IDE, open your terminal, and with Node installed on your machine, run the command "npm install" to install Angular dependencies on your machine. Once the installation is complete, just type the command "npm start" and the application will start running on port 4200 of your localhost.
With both services running, you will be able to execute commands on the platform.
This application demonstrates how a full-stack application works, with a simple example of travel itineraries.
Gabriel Carvalho Fagner Viana Jackson de Almeida