Several datasets are used to train the baseline :
Data | Use | Download link |
COCO images 2014 | VG model | |
SpokenCOCO | VG model | |
Librispeech | K-means and LM | |
ZeroSpeech 2021 | Evaluation | |
If you downloaded the train/val/test sets of COCO images 2014 under ~/corpora/spokencoco
, the SpokenCOCO dataset is expected to lie in the same folder.
You'll have a folder structure that looks like :
└─── train2014
└─── val2014
└─── SpokenCOCO
└─── wavs
└─── train
└─── val
If you downloaded LibriSpeech, you're supposed to have a folder structure that looks like this :
└─── dev-clean
└─── dev-other
└─── test-clean
└─── test-other
└─── train-clean-100
└─── train-clean-360
└─── train-other-500
Under the same folder, you'll further need to create a folder train-full-960
that contains all the sub-folders of train-clean-100
, train-clean-360
and train-other-500
Nothing to do for the dev/test set of ZeroSpeech 2021. We'll assume that this dataset has been download under ~/corpora/zerospeech2021