All notable changes to the "handy-perl-snippets" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Added 5 snippets namely
Add strict and warning directives
,Add dumper
,Add a new subroutine
,Add a new subroutine with params
,Add new print Dumper statement
- Added Logo
- Made some design changes.
- Snippets concerned with adding directives will start with u.
- Snippets mnemonics are made based on the first letter of the keywords used. For example mnemonic for Add a dumper print statement is
(p and d corresponds to print and Dumper respectively). - If a snippets generates boilerplate for a keyword in perl (imagine a snippet for subroutine), mnemonic will be same as the keyword.
- Added 7 more snippets namely
Add new for block
,Add new while block
,Add new if block
,Add new if/else block
,Add new unless block
,Add new unless/else block
,Add new try/catch block
- Added 3 more snippets namely
Add a BEGIN block
,Add say
andAdd a new package