We are follwing this folder structure where it contains index.js and styles.scss
React-router-dom switch we are using because to match first match and return and we are using the render prop to render the required layout and the children components.
Layout layout folder is for different layout we might need so acroos differnt routes
header and footer might be needed throught so we can wrap them in a layout and other routes pass props and render them and make them children for this layout.
For admin section we might require different layout so wrap other routes in this layout
This is a folder containing the main pages we use all the components we made and reuse here to make a page like registrtion or login or homepage
store This folder contains all files related to the redux,redux saga
For this project the payment gateway we have used is the razorpay and the endpoints for razorpay are avialable The api keys used are dummy when you clone you can either use my api keys if they expire you can create your own account with razorpay and can get the keys and replace your keys with my keys. in seperate reposistory :Razorpay Reposistory