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Add HTTPS backend support
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Signed-off-by: liangchuan <>
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liangchuan committed Feb 1, 2025
1 parent e2a7475 commit f373b3a
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Showing 26 changed files with 2,145 additions and 98 deletions.
266 changes: 253 additions & 13 deletions bfe_balance/backend/health_check.go
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package backend

import (

import (

import (

type checkRtn struct {
ok bool
err error

func UpdateStatus(backend *BfeBackend, cluster string) bool {
var (
checkConf *cluster_conf.BackendCheck
httpsConf *cluster_conf.BackendHTTPS
// get conf of health check, which is separately stored for each cluster
checkConf := getCheckConf(cluster)
checkConf, httpsConf = getCheckConf(cluster)
if checkConf == nil {
// just ignore if not found health check conf
return false
Expand All @@ -45,14 +56,15 @@ func UpdateStatus(backend *BfeBackend, cluster string) bool {
// if backend's status become fail, start healthcheck.
// at most start 1 check goroutine for each backend.
if backend.UpdateStatus(*checkConf.FailNum) {
go check(backend, cluster)
go check(backend, cluster, httpsConf)
return true

return false

func check(backend *BfeBackend, cluster string) {
func check(backend *BfeBackend, cluster string, httpsConf *cluster_conf.BackendHTTPS) {

log.Logger.Info("start healthcheck for %s", backend.Name)

// backend close chan
Expand All @@ -67,7 +79,7 @@ loop:

// get the latest conf to do health check
checkConf := getCheckConf(cluster)
checkConf, _ := getCheckConf(cluster)
if checkConf == nil {
// never come here
Expand All @@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ loop:
checkInterval := time.Duration(*checkConf.CheckInterval) * time.Millisecond

// health check
if ok, err := CheckConnect(backend, checkConf); !ok {
if ok, err := CheckConnect(backend, checkConf, httpsConf); !ok {
if bfe_debug.DebugHealthCheck {
log.Logger.Debug("backend %s still not avail (check failure: %s)", backend.Name, err)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,6 +162,232 @@ func doHTTPHealthCheck(request *http.Request, timeout time.Duration) (int, error
return response.StatusCode, nil

// extractIP extract ip address
func extractIP(rsAddr string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(rsAddr, "[") {
// IPv6
endIndex := strings.LastIndex(rsAddr, "]")
if endIndex == -1 {
return ""
ip := rsAddr[:endIndex+1]
if net.ParseIP(ip[1:endIndex]) == nil {
return ""
return ip
} else {
// IPv4
ip := strings.Split(rsAddr, ":")[0]
if net.ParseIP(ip) == nil {
return ""
return ip

func getHostByType(host, rsAddr, hostType *string, def string) string {
if hostType == nil {
ht := cluster_conf.HostType_HOST
hostType = &ht
switch *hostType {
case cluster_conf.HostType_Instance_IP:
if rsAddr != nil {
return extractIP(*rsAddr)
if host != nil {
return *host
return def

// add by liangc
func checkHTTPSConnect(backend *BfeBackend, checkConf *cluster_conf.BackendCheck, httpsConf *cluster_conf.BackendHTTPS) (bool, error) {
var (
err error
conn net.Conn
addrInfo = getHealthCheckAddrInfo(backend, checkConf)
checkTimeout = 30 * time.Second
statusCode = 0
host string
rootCAs *x509.CertPool = nil
certs []bfe_tls.Certificate = nil
cert bfe_tls.Certificate
insecure = false
uri = "/"
checkRtnCh = make(chan checkRtn, 1)
rtn checkRtn

var (
getStatusCodeFn = func(statusLine string) (int, error) {
// "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
re, err := regexp.Compile(`\s(\d{3})\s`)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(statusLine)
if len(matches) == 2 {
statusCode := matches[1]
log.Logger.Debug("StatusCode = %s, raw = %s", statusCode, statusLine)
return strconv.Atoi(statusCode)
} else {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Status code not found: %s", statusLine)

doCheckFn = func(conn net.Conn) checkRtn {
// TLS Check >>>>>>>
if err = conn.(*bfe_tls.Conn).Handshake(); err != nil {
log.Logger.Debug("debug_https err=%s", err.Error())
return checkRtn{false, err}
if *checkConf.Schem == "tls" { // https or tls
return checkRtn{true, nil}
// TLS Check <<<<<<<

// HTTPS Check vvvvvvvvvvvvv
if checkConf.Uri != nil && *checkConf.Uri != "" {
uri = *checkConf.Uri
request := fmt.Sprintf("GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"+
"Host: %s\r\n"+
"User-Agent: BFE-Health-Check\r\n"+
"\r\n", uri, host)
_, err = conn.Write([]byte(request))
if err != nil {
log.Logger.Debug("debug_https err=%s", err.Error())
return checkRtn{false, err}
var (
response = ""
ok bool
err error
data = make([]byte, 0)
bufSz = 128
buf = make([]byte, bufSz)
total = 0
//TODO: if timeout , how to handle ?
for {
total, err = conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
data = append(data, buf[:total]...)
if total < bufSz {
//data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
if err != nil {
log.Logger.Debug("debug_https err=%s", err.Error())
return checkRtn{false, err}
response = string(data)
log.Logger.Debug("<- Request:\n%s", request)
log.Logger.Debug("-> Response:\n%s", response)
if checkConf.StatusCode != nil { // check status code
var (
s string
arr = strings.Split(response, "\n")
if len(arr) > 0 {
s = strings.ToUpper(arr[0])
statusCode, err = getStatusCodeFn(s)
if err != nil {
return checkRtn{false, err}
if checkConf.StatusCodeRange != nil && *checkConf.StatusCodeRange != "" {
log.Logger.Debug("statusCode=%d, statusCodeRange=%s", statusCode, *checkConf.StatusCodeRange)
ok, err := cluster_conf.MatchStatusCodeRange(fmt.Sprintf("%d", statusCode), *checkConf.StatusCodeRange)
return checkRtn{ok, err}
ok, err = cluster_conf.MatchStatusCode(statusCode, *checkConf.StatusCode)
return checkRtn{ok, err}

toStringFn = func(o interface{}) string {
b, err := json.Marshal(o)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return string(b)

if checkConf.CheckTimeout != nil {
checkTimeout = time.Duration(*checkConf.CheckTimeout) * time.Millisecond
conn, err = net.DialTimeout("tcp", addrInfo, checkTimeout)

if err != nil {
log.Logger.Debug("debug_https err=%v", err)
return false, err

defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Logger.Debug("recover_panic = %v", r)
_ = conn.Close()

_, err = url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", "https", addrInfo, *checkConf.Uri))
if err != nil {
log.Logger.Debug("debug_https err=%v", err)
return false, err

serverName := ""
if httpsConf.RSHost != nil {
serverName = *httpsConf.RSHost
} else if checkConf.Host != nil {
serverName = *checkConf.Host
host = getHostByType(checkConf.Host, &addrInfo, checkConf.HostType, serverName)

rootCAs, err = httpsConf.GetRSCAList()

if cert, err = httpsConf.GetBFECert(); err == nil {
certs = []bfe_tls.Certificate{cert}

if httpsConf.RSInsecureSkipVerify != nil {
insecure = *httpsConf.RSInsecureSkipVerify

conn = bfe_tls.Client(conn, &bfe_tls.Config{
Certificates: certs,
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
ServerName: host,
RootCAs: rootCAs,
VerifyPeerCertificate: bfe_tls.NewVerifyPeerCertHooks(insecure, host, rootCAs).Ready(),

log.Logger.Debug("httpsCheck conf=%s", toStringFn(checkConf))
go func(conn net.Conn, rtnCh chan checkRtn) {
rtnCh <- doCheckFn(conn)
}(conn, checkRtnCh)

if checkTimeout > 0 {
select {
case rtn = <-checkRtnCh:
return rtn.ok, rtn.err
case <-time.Tick(checkTimeout):
return false, fmt.Errorf("https checkTimeout %dms", checkTimeout/time.Millisecond)
} else {
rtn = <-checkRtnCh
return rtn.ok, rtn.err

func checkHTTPConnect(backend *BfeBackend, checkConf *cluster_conf.BackendCheck) (bool, error) {
// prepare health check request
addrInfo := getHealthCheckAddrInfo(backend, checkConf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,26 +420,28 @@ func checkHTTPConnect(backend *BfeBackend, checkConf *cluster_conf.BackendCheck)

// CheckConnect checks whether backend server become available.
func CheckConnect(backend *BfeBackend, checkConf *cluster_conf.BackendCheck) (bool, error) {
func CheckConnect(backend *BfeBackend, checkConf *cluster_conf.BackendCheck, httpsConf *cluster_conf.BackendHTTPS) (bool, error) {
switch *checkConf.Schem {
case "http":
return checkHTTPConnect(backend, checkConf)
case "tcp":
return checkTCPConnect(backend, checkConf)
case "https", "tls":
return checkHTTPSConnect(backend, checkConf, httpsConf)
// never come here
return checkHTTPConnect(backend, checkConf)

// CheckConfFetcher returns current health check conf for cluster.
type CheckConfFetcher func(cluster string) *cluster_conf.BackendCheck
type CheckConfFetcher func(name string) (*cluster_conf.BackendCheck, *cluster_conf.BackendHTTPS)

var checkConfFetcher CheckConfFetcher

func getCheckConf(cluster string) *cluster_conf.BackendCheck {
func getCheckConf(cluster string) (*cluster_conf.BackendCheck, *cluster_conf.BackendHTTPS) {
if checkConfFetcher == nil {
return nil
return nil, nil
return checkConfFetcher(cluster)
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