Adapted from:
BEDPE format must have the following columns. The code will error very early on without this exact format:
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 sv_id tumreads strand1 strand2 svclass svmethod
- Please keep the column header "chrom1" labeled as such -- this substring is specifically searched for later in the code.
- Do NOT include 'chr' in your chromosome columns. We've tried adding error handling to bypass this, but best use would be to not include this prefix.
- bedtools (for pairToPair) >= v.2.28.0
- Python dependencies (using python3): bgzip, pandas, pyvcf, matplotlib, networkx, numpy, os, re, sys
Sample test command:
scripts/optimizing_sv_consensus.bash -a HCM-BROD-0002-C71-85A -o ./test_output_HCM-BROAD-0002 -i "./test_bedpe/HCM-BROD-0002-C71-85A_mskcc.bedpe ./test_bedpe/HCM-BROD-0002-C71-85A_nygc.bedpe ./test_bedpe/HCM-BROD-0002-C71-85A_purple.bedpe" -n "mskcc nygc washu"
Consensus SV BEDPE ( with following headers:
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 sv_id pe_support strand1 strand2 sv_class svmethod center
- Some additional error checking with generate_bedpe_new (or perhaps the clique generation beforehand?). The # consensus SVs seem very different from numbers SURVIVOR is generating for these samples, though it is unclear exactly why yet. Reached out to Seongmin to check on parameters
- Should we make filtering steps optional (add a flag for this)? I think we will need to perform liftover of blacklist_files for this
- Input bedpe files should have ^I (tabs) between different fields and no ^M (carriage return) at end of line, otherwise code will fail (error detected 11/14 when testing CTSP-ACY8) (11/14)
- Notes emphasizing need for specific header formatting since this caused numerous issues and groups have not been following this (11/15)
- Extra 'chr' removal steps to handle some of the above (11/15)
- ./data subdirectories: 161127.sv_merge, brass, delly, dranger, snowman
- ./data files: pcawg_release_mar2016.tsv, PCAWG-QC_Summary-of-Measures.tsv
- ./orig_test_bedpe_copy
- ./plots
- ./scripts files: pcawg_multiple_sv_merging_heatmap.R,,,,
- ./test_bedpe
- ./test_output_*
- ./temp_file
- ./tmpfile
- ./unresolved.txt