Chroma is an unbiased Monte Carlo Path Tracer based on an original implementation by me in C++. Writing the first lines of code in 2008 formed the cornerstone for my diploma thesis. Back then I was conentrating on spectral rendering and realistic lens simulation to achieve photographic artifacts like Chromatic Aberration or Lens Flares. Goal is to bring most of these features back to life. As you know, code rots over the time, so it needs to be rewritten ;-).
Because I can! No seriously, I see it also as kind of a playground. When getting familiar with Java 8 I was happy to have a working playground. And I had the idea to compare my Java alternative with the C code I wrote 8 years ago. And when I say compare, I mean micro-benchmarks. So I started another project called CroLaBeFra which is a set of Gradle plugins, which allows to build, run and compare micro benchmarks in both Java and C. You can check the POC project out here!
Download Mac version here (Java 8 required)
Sorry, all others have to build it themselves currently.
Unbiased Monte Carlo Path Tracing in plain mode and optional Direct Light estimation
Area lights
Material Support:
Diffuse (Lambert)
Plastic (Blinn-Phong)
Glass (Schlick approximation no dispersion yet)
Blender Scene Export/Import
Built-in Demo Scenes
JavaFx UI with Preview function