In a team of four, we worked with St. John of God, closely collaborating with people with learning disabilities in order to develop an Android application to help them be more independent. It involved weekly sessions engaging with the clients at every stage. We received a certification for our work, presented by the Minister for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor.
The app allows the users to view their rights and responsibilities, their videos they make at their meetings and events such as their meetings. Adminstrators have the ability to control events and manage user accounts.
The app connects to a server application to handle user accounts, events and accessing the Vimeo servers.
Every image, button and text item in the app also has text to speech built in, so for those who have difficulty reading or recalling images can simply long press and have it read out to them.
Team Members: Ben Ryan, Dimiter Dinkov, Ahment Celtik and Aleksander Wycech