Areas to work on PROJ Status A/M/D file overview STRT Diffs Side-By-Side Diff KILL split based on git and then reconstitute with overlays KILL investigate overlays or how magit did it STRT self-made segment within the same file the different segments have all hunks be the same length, for aesthetic purposes Up/Below Diff squash action acting only on currently selected segment/file Shortlog equivalent make configurable Overview (Two liner) conflict marker missing PROJ Log Evolution Log list of log entries based on `jj log` side-view buffer with details for individual change modeled on the magit-log view, incl. auto-update of the details buffer based on movements obslog Commit Log PROJ Interactions with jj cli Process logs for real user commands akin to magit’s $ buffer Squash -i figure out how to call emacs after jj prepares temporary directory uses ui.diff-editor even for squash by default everything is selected for squash, revert needed Diff Jump to affected line squash selected hunk only PROJ modeline integration parent change > change > description also show change id after each save? PROJ Multiple workflow Have a project wide setting that makes the workflow easier with keybinding flows? Workflows Squash workflow Edit workflow