Welcome to my GitHub!
I'm a software developer who enjoys writing code for the marriage of money and the internet. My background is in building full stack applications, data pipelines, real-time highly available infrastructure, and data intensive applications. But my favorite problems involve hoisting financial infrastructure into the cloud, which maybe explains why I like to work in fintech.
I current work as a Senior Full Stack Dev @ RBC, supporting their marketing science team. If you've received an offer for an RBC product by email, phone, or push notification, I probably had a hand in building the systems and data pipelines that decided which offer was right for you, when to contact you, and how best to reach you!
I'm a Computer Science graduate of McMaster University, where I roleplayed someone responsible as Director of Academics for the Computer Science Society. Outside of work, I spend too much time online and not enough in the sun. I'm a big fan of indie video games (Metroidvanias and Roguelikes are best), fantasy novels (Tolkien not Harry Potter, Warhammer not Percy Jackson), personal finance, and investing.
Previous experience includes internships at @ Affirm and Coveo. If you'd like to connect with me, message me on LinkedIn!
As part of my #Game Design course this semester we have to design and creat...
Shared a post on LinkedinIf you’re feeling discouraged seeing your #linkedin feed fill up with #inte...
Shared a post on LinkedinInspiration for self-promotion. My thoughts after reading Show Your Work!
Shared a post on Medium
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Last refresh: Monday, March 3, 1:31 AM EST
Games are pulled from Steam and posts are from my Linkedin and Medium.
Inspired by Thomas Guibert and his awesome README!