The @wordpress/scripts
package, commonly referred to as wp-scripts
, is a set of configuration files and scripts that primarily aims to standardize and simplify the development process of WordPress projects that require a JavaScript build step.
A JavaScript build step refers to the process of transforming, bundling, and optimizing JavaScript source code and related assets into a format suitable for production environments. These build steps often take modern JavaScript (ESNext and JSX) and convert it to a version compatible with most browsers. They can also bundle multiple files into one, minify the code to reduce file size and perform various other tasks to optimize the code.
You will typically be working with ESNext and JSX when building for the Block Editor, and most examples in the Block Editor Handbook are written in these syntaxes. Learning how to set up a build step is essential. However, configuring the necessary tools like webpack, Babel, and ESLint can become complex. This is where wp-scripts
comes in.
Here are a few things that wp-scripts
can do:
- Compilation: Converts modern JavaScript (ESNext and JSX) into code compatible with most browsers, using Babel.
- Bundling: Uses webpack to combine multiple JavaScript files into a single bundle for better performance.
- Code Linting: Provides configurations for ESLint to help ensure code quality and conformity to coding standards.
- Code Formatting: Incorporates Prettier for automated code styling to maintain consistent code formatting across projects.
- Sass Compilation: Converts Sass (.scss or .sass) files to standard CSS.
- Code Minification: Reduces the size of the JavaScript code for production to ensure faster page loads.
The package abstracts away much of the initial setup, configuration, and boilerplate code associated with JavaScript development for modern WordPress. You can then focus on building blocks and Block Editor extensions.
package to scaffold the structure of files needed to create and register a block, you'll also get a modern JavaScript build setup (using wp-scripts
) with no configuration required, so you don't need to worry about installing wp-scripts
or enqueuing assets. Refer to Get started with create-block
for more details.
Ensure you have Node.js and npm
installed on your computer. Review the Node.js development environment guide if not.
Then, create a project folder and ensure it contains a package.json
file, a build
folder, and an src
folder. The src
folder should also include an index.js
If you have not created a package.json
file before, navigate to the project folder in the terminal and run the npm init
command. An interactive prompt will walk you through the steps. Configure as you like, but when it asks for the "entry point", enter build/index.js
Of course, there are many ways to set up a project using wp-scripts
, but this is the recommended approach used throughout the Block Editor Handbook.
Finally, install the wp-scripts
package as a development dependency by running the command:
npm install @wordpress/scripts --save-dev
Once the installation is complete, your project folder should look like this:
├── build/
├── node_modules/ (autogenerated)
├── src/
│ └── index.js
├── package-lock.json (autogenerated)
└── package.json
Once installed, you can run the predefined scripts provided with wp-scripts
by referencing them in the scripts section of your package.json
file. Here’s an example:
"scripts": {
"start": "wp-scripts start",
"build": "wp-scripts build"
These scripts can then be run using the command npm run {script name}
The two scripts you will use most often are start
and build
since they handle the build step. See the package documentation for all options.
When working on your project, use the npm run start
command. This will start a development server and automatically rebuild the project whenever any change is detected. Note that the compiled code in build/index.js
will not be optimized.
When you are ready to deploy your project, use the npm run build
command. This optimizes your code and makes it production-ready.
After the build finishes, you will see the compiled JavaScript file created at build/index.js
A build/index.asset.php
file will also be created in the build process, which contains an array of dependencies and a version number (for cache busting). Please, note that to register a block without this wp-scripts
build process you'll need to manually create *.asset.php
dependencies files (see example).
If you register a block via register_block_type
the scripts defined in block.json
will be automatically enqueued (see example)
To manually enqueue files in the editor, in any other context, you can refer to the Enqueueing assets in the Editor guide for more information, but here's a typical implementation.
* Enqueue Editor assets.
function example_project_enqueue_editor_assets() {
$asset_file = include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'build/index.asset.php');
plugins_url( 'build/index.js', __FILE__ ),
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'example_project_enqueue_editor_assets' );
Here's an example of manually enqueuing files in the editor.
While start
and build
will be the two most used scripts, several other useful tools come with wp-scripts
that are worth exploring. Here's a look at a few.
To help developers improve the quality of their code, wp-scripts
comes pre-configured with tools like ESLint and Prettier. ESLint ensures your JavaScript adheres to best practices and the WordPress coding standards, while Prettier automatically formats your code. The available scripts include:
"scripts": {
"format": "wp-scripts format",
"lint:css": "wp-scripts lint-style",
"lint:js": "wp-scripts lint-js",
Regularly linting and formatting your code ensures it's functional, clear, and maintainable for yourself and other developers.
Beyond just writing code, verifying its functionality is crucial. wp-scripts
includes Jest, a JavaScript testing framework, and both end-to-end and unit testing scripts:
"scripts": {
"test:e2e": "wp-scripts test-e2e",
"test:unit": "wp-scripts test-unit-js"
Unit tests validate individual units of code, such as functions, ensuring they work as intended, while end-to-end (E2E) tests evaluate the entire project by simulating real-world user scenarios to ensure all parts of the system work seamlessly together.
While wp-scripts
provides a solid default configuration, there might be cases where you need more specialized setups. The good news is wp-scripts
is highly adaptable. For example, you can extend and override the default webpack configuration, allowing you to add loaders and plugins or modify almost any part of the build process. This flexibility ensures that as your project grows or its requirements change, wp-scripts
can be tailored to your evolving needs.
See the wp-scripts
package documentation for all configuration options.
- @wordpress/scripts (Official documentation)
- How webpack and WordPress packages interact (WordPress Developer Blog)