Useful info of ORACLE (awr) visualized with canvas.js
Here are...
some bash script to connect to a Oracle DB (with AWR licensed)...
and daily get a visual REPORT of DB perfomance.
The database info (is a simple HTML page) shows like this:
Number of session running on CPU.
If you have (for example) N cpu on the server
you had to get this graph (the maximun value) below N
Waits Events on DB
If you click on a class event, their values "disappears"
and maybe you can visualize the graph better to the other values
AWR and PERFSTAT (statspack.snap) are running on database (take care with Licensing...)
You must execute on BBDD
grant select on SYS.V_$active_session_history to perfstat;
grant select on SYS.V_$osstat to perfstat;
With SYS, for example.
With user PERFSTAT you create some tables on BD executing create_TABLE.sql file
And then, execute create_Proc.sql file to create two proc. on database
Every hour you execute:
execute PERFSTAT.proc_report_porhora;
every day at > 15:00 (it's harcoded on the proc, get the info from 8h to 15h)
execute PERFSTAT.proc_report_diario(sysdate);
In a directory below a httpd server:
you put canvasjs.min.js file.
You can download from web. -
Download and put the on this directory
create sub-dir
The results is a file: $BBDD.$HOY.html
And that's all !!