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feat(themes): bump hello-friend-ng theme and fix build error
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Copy the head layout from the theme and fix the error
ERROR deprecated: .Site.GoogleAnalytics was deprecated in Hugo v0.120.0
and will be removed in Hugo 0.135.0.
Use .Site.Config.Services.GoogleAnalytics.ID instead.
  • Loading branch information
beiertu-mms committed Sep 16, 2024
1 parent 8c478e8 commit 9b74ce3
Show file tree
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 1 deletion.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions layouts/partials/head.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
{{ if .Params.noindex }}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
{{ end }}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="author" content="{{ if }}{{ }}{{ else }}{{ range .Site.Author }}{{ . }} {{ end }}{{ end }}">
<meta name="description" content="{{ if .IsHome }}{{ .Site.Params.homeSubtitle }}{{ else }}{{ if .Params.Description }}{{ .Params.Description }}{{ else }}{{ .Summary | plainify }}{{ end }}{{ end }}" />
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ .Site.Params.keywords }}{{ if .Params.tags }}{{ range .Params.tags }}, {{ . }}{{ end }}{{ end }}" />
<meta name="robots" content="noodp" />
<meta name="theme-color" content="{{ .Site.Params.themeColor }}" />
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ .Permalink }}" />

{{ block "title" . }}
{{ if .IsHome }}
{{ $.Site.Title }} {{ with $.Site.Params.Subtitle }} — {{ . }} {{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ .Title }} :: {{ $.Site.Title }} {{ with $.Site.Params.Subtitle }} — {{ . }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- CSS -->
{{ $options := (dict "targetPath" "main.css" "outputStyle" "compressed" "enableSourceMap" true) }}
{{ $style := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | resources.ToCSS $options | resources.Fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $style.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $style.Data.Integrity }}">

{{ range $val := $.Site.Params.customCSS }}
{{ if gt (len $val) 0 }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ $val }}">
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Icons -->
{{- partial "favicons.html" . }}

{{ template "_internal/schema.html" . }}
{{ template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . }}

{{ if isset .Site.Taxonomies "series" }}
{{ template "_internal/opengraph.html" . }}
{{ end }}

{{ range .Params.categories }}
<meta property="article:section" content="{{ . }}" />
{{ end }}

{{ if isset .Params "date" }}
<meta property="article:published_time" content="{{ time .Date }}" />
{{ end }}

<!-- RSS -->
{{ with .OutputFormats.Get "rss" -}}
{{ printf `<link rel="%s" type="%s" href="%s" title="%s" />` .Rel .MediaType.Type .Permalink $.Site.Title | safeHTML }}
{{ end -}}

<!-- JSON Feed -->
{{ if .OutputFormats.Get "json" }}
<link href="{{ if .OutputFormats.Get "json" }}{{ .Site.BaseURL }}feed.json{{ end }}" rel="alternate"
type="application/json" title="{{ .Site.Title }}" />
{{ end }}

<!-- Custom head tags -->
{{- if templates.Exists "partials/extra-head.html" -}}
{{ partial "extra-head.html" . }}
{{- end }}

<!-- Google Analytics internal template -->
{{- if .Site.Config.Services.GoogleAnalytics.ID }}
{{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}
{{- end }}

<!-- -->
{{- if $.Site.Params.plausibleDataDomain }}
<script defer data-domain="{{ .Site.Params.plausibleDataDomain }}" src="{{ .Site.Params.plausibleScriptSource }}"></script>
{{- end}}

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