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277 lines (213 loc) · 10.5 KB


DPT-SLAM: Dense Point Tracking for Visual SLAM

Tjark Behrens, Damiano Da Col, Théo Ducrey and Wenqing Wang

Initial Code Release: This directory currently provides our implementation of DPT-SLAM as described in our report. This work was done in the context of the course 3D Vision at ETH Zürich.

File structure of principal parts and contributions:

├── datasets
│   ├── TartanAir                            -> Data : Contains the different scenes we used for testing
│   │   ├── P001
│   │   ├── P002
│   │   └── P003
│   ├── TartanAir_small                      -> Data : Contains the different scenes we used for quick testing of new functions
├── evaluation_scripts/ -> Evaluation : line 106 may be edited to switch testing between the different scenes
├── droid_slam                               -> Implementation : rewritten Droid to support 4x downsampling of DPT-SLAM instead of 8x of DROID-SLAM
│   │                                           Implementation : reshape the image once in initialization instead of reshaping it every time when
│   │                                                            computing point tracks and refined flows
│   ├── thirdparty
│   │   ├── DOT
│   │   │   ├── Checkpoints
│   │   │   ├── dot
│   │   │   │   ├── models
│   │   │   │   │   ├──    -> Implementation : Point sampling using Harris corner detection and grid
│   │   │   │   │   │                           Implementation : logic for frequent resampling to keep a minimum nbr of visible points
│   │   │   │   │   │                           Implementation : handling multiple instances of cotracker and track merging
│   │   │   │   │   ├──      -> Implementation : Add a new mode "flow_between_frames", which takes the track from online CoTracker and outputs the refined flow
│   │   │   │   │                               Implementation : Save the flow in a dictionary to reduce computation redundancy
│   │   │   │   │                               Implementation : Add EPE saving and visualizing function to help analysis of the code
│   │   │   │   │                               Implementation : Add Gaussian weight approximation function
│   │   │   │   │                               Implementation : Add a weight visualization function
│   ├──                       -> Implementation : Changed distance measure, now selecting pairs of frames to add to graph based on flow magnitude
│   ├──                    -> Implementation : Rewrote to now use DPT_SLAM update step instead of DROID_SLAM update step
│   ├──                             -> Implementation : Implemented a track buffer to feed frames by group of size of window to CoTracker, deleted the backend of DROID-SLAM
│   ├──                     -> Implementation : Entirely rewrote to support new update step of DPT-SLAM
│   │                                           Implementation : Integrated the refined flow into the DROID-SLAM system
│   ├──                     -> Implementation : In function plot_traj_video, implemented visualization of tracks for a given video
├── tools/              -> Implementation : Added logic to make all videos of length divisible by 4, adding last image before processing and deleting again added images before getting evaluation result
│   │                                           Evaluation : Has a variable to be modified to switch testing between test scene and actual scene of TartanAir


  • Inference: Reproducing our run without training requires a GPU with at least 11GB of memory.

Getting Started

  1. Download the complete project including the checkpoint, test_data, codes of each repository directly from polybox: []
dataset -> DPT-SLAM
checkpoints -> DPT-SLAM/droid_slam/thirdparty/DOT

[Optionally] Without polybox access

git clone --recursive
cd DPT-SLAM/thirdparty/DOT/
wget -P checkpoints
wget -P checkpoints
wget -P checkpoints
wget -P checkpoints
wget -P checkpoints

Download scene to add in DPT-SLAM/dataset/TartanAir from but keep in mind most of them require more than 11GB of memory if kept in full
(For us consider linking to main team directory :  ln -s /cluster/courses/3dv/data/team-4/DOT-SLAM/datasets datasets)
  1. Install dependencies

Create and activate a virtual environment

python3 -m venv env_dpt
source env_dpt/bin/activate
Using Command line :

Install the PyTorch and TorchVision versions which are compatible with your CUDA configuration. The environment setup was tested on CUDA 12.1, ${CUDA} should be replaced with the specific version (for CUDA 12.1, it's ${CUDA} = cu121).

pip install --no-cache-dir torch torchvision --index-url${CUDA}

Install DROID-SLAM inference dependencies

pip install matplotlib==3.8.4 numpy==1.26.3 tensorboard opencv-python scipy tqdm suitesparse-graphblas PyYAML gdown
pip install torch-scatter -f${CUDA}.html
pip install evo --upgrade --no-binary evo
pip install ninja

Compile the extensions (takes about 10 minutes) (needs to be done on a gpu node -> for us within a job) :

python install

In our case :

chmod +111
sbatch < $root_path$/DPT-SLAM/
#SBATCH --account=3dv
#SBATCH --nodes 1                  # 24 cores
#SBATCH --gpus 1
###SBATCH --gres=gpumem:24g
#SBATCH --time 02:00:00        ### adapt to our needs
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=12000
###SBATCH -J analysis1
#SBATCH -o job_output/dpt-slam%j.out
#SBATCH -e job_output/dpt-slam%j.err
###SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL

. /etc/profile.d/
module load cuda/12.1
export CUB_HOME=$root_path$/DPT-SLAM/thirdparty/DOT/dot/utils/torch3d/cub-2.1.0
echo $CUB_HOME
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17"

echo "working"
export PYTHONPATH="$root_path$/DPT-SLAM/droid_slam/thirdparty/DOT"
source $root_path$/DPT-SLAM/env_dpt/bin/activate
cd $root_path$/DPT-SLAM
python ./ install
echo "finished"

Install DOT inference dependencies.

pip install einops einshape timm lmdb av mediapy

Set up custom modules from PyTorch3D to increase speed and reduce memory consumption of interpolation operations.

cd thirdparty/DOT/dot/utils/torch3d/ && pip install . && cd ../../..
Using a Job :
#SBATCH --account=3dv
#SBATCH --nodes=1                  # 24 cores
#SBATCH --gpus=1
###SBATCH --gres=gpumem:24g
#SBATCH --time 00:30:00        ### adapt to our needs
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=12000
###SBATCH -J analysis1
#SBATCH -o installation%j.out
#SBATCH -e installation%j.err
###SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL

. /etc/profile.d/
module load cuda/12.1
export CUB_HOME=$root_dir$//DPT-SLAM/thirdparty/DOT/dot/utils/torch3d/cub-2.1.0
echo $CUB_HOME
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17"

echo "working"

source $root_dir$/DPT-SLAM/dpt_slam_env/bin/activate

cd $root_dir$/DPT-SLAM

#### put python commands here

pip install --no-cache-dir torch torchvision --index-url

pip install matplotlib==3.8.4 numpy==1.26.3 tensorboard opencv-python scipy tqdm suitesparse-graphblas PyYAML gdown
pip install torch-scatter -f
pip install evo --upgrade --no-binary evo

python install

pip install einops einshape timm lmdb av mediapy

cd thirdparty/DOT/dot/utils/torch3d/ && pip install . && cd ../../..

# ./tools/

echo "finished"

For a full list of all package versions of a working environment, check requirements.txt. We strongly recommend following the step-by-step guide to setup the environment instead of using the file.


Run the demo on any of the samples (all demos can be run on a GPU with 11GB of memory).


Create file with the content of the next section
& sbatch <

or using Python

Execute the terminal command of the job below

Job example (replace 'root_path' )

#SBATCH --account=3dv
#SBATCH --nodes 1                  # 24 cores
#SBATCH --gpus 1
###SBATCH --gres=gpumem:24g
#SBATCH --time 02:00:00        ### adapt to our needs
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=12000
###SBATCH -J analysis1
#SBATCH -o job_output/dpt-slam%j.out
#SBATCH -e job_output/dpt-slam%j.err
###SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL

. /etc/profile.d/
module load cuda/12.1
export CUB_HOME=$root_path$/DPT-SLAM/thirdparty/DOT/dot/utils/torch3d/cub-2.1.0
echo $CUB_HOME
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17"

echo "working"
export PYTHONPATH="$root_path$/DPT-SLAM/droid_slam/thirdparty/DOT"
source $root_path$/DPT-SLAM/env_dpt/bin/activate
cd $root_path$/DPT-SLAM
./tools/ --plot_curve
echo "finished"


In a directory job_output at the location from where sbatch was called or directly in the console


Changing the scene

Set the line 114 of accordingly

test_split = ["P001 || P002 || P003"]

Switching between harris and grid point sampling

Set the line 55 of accordingly

self.init_sampl_func = sampling_inititization_functions['harris || grid']

Changing nbr of points tracked/resampled

Set the default parameters of line 347 of accordingly

get_tracks_online_droid(self, data, num_tracks=512, sim_tracks=512,**kwargs):

Changing resampling frequency

Set the minimum point threshold as wanted: higher = more frequent, lower = less frequent

threshold_minimum_nbr_visible_tracks_wanted = (7*S)//8