Releases: befora/Kuboo
add advanced setting recently viewed height offset
update apache commons compress to 1.18 from 1.16.1
update junrar from (custom) to 3.1.0
update kotlin to 1.3.11 from 1.3.10
revert home layout for higher resolutions fix
prepare kuboo server image loading
prepare kuboo server opds handler
release 1.1.9
release 1.1.9
This is pre-release software intended for testing purposes only. No feedback or feature requests will be taken at this time.
fix crash on local comic image load (rare)
fix crash on toast if context has been destroyed
fix epub and pdf sometimes failed to resume download
fix download tracking sometimes deletes wrong issue
fix favorite dirs did not load on startup
fix force orientation bugs
update anko to 0.10.8 from 0.10.7
update fetch to 2.3.1 from 2.3.0-RC1
update kotlin to 1.3.10 from 1.2.71
update okhttp to 3.12.0 from 3.11.0
update workmanager to 1.0.0-alpha11 from 1.0.0-alpha10
add setting hide download tracking series if no content available
add setting start tab
change hidpi min value to 2048 from 2560
fix crash on preview activity transition
fix download sort by opds id is not reliable
fix download tracking periodic workload did not initiate
fix download tracking would delete wrong item
fix downloads no longer inherit bookmark
fix kotlin stdlib should match versions between modules
remove unnecessary preload tasks
update anko to 0.10.7 from 0.10.6
update dagger to 2.19 from 2.17
update fetch to 2.3.0-RC1 from 2.2.0-RC14
update gradle build tools to 3.2.1 from 3.2.0
update gson to 2.8.5 from 2.8.2
update recommended ubooquity version to 2.1.2 from 2.1.1
update workmanager to 1.0.0-alpha10 from 1.0.0-alpha08
fix comic reader oom exception (out of memory)
fix recently viewed add animation to be less jarring
fix recently viewed fling performance
fix recently viewed needs delay before enter transition
fix recently viewed return transition did not work after going to next book
increase glide memory utilization target by 50%
update anko to 0.10.6 from 0.10.5
update gradle to 4.6 from 4.4
update kotlin gradle plugin to 1.2.71 from 1.2.70
update support library to 28.0.0 from 28.0.0-rc01