This project allows the exchange of files between your local disk and a D64 image (Commodore 64 image disk)
A d64 file is an image of Commodore 64 floppy disk. it's a usefull format to store it on mordern drives. many Commodore 64 hardware and software emulators support these image files
DiskToolC64 tool will help you to :
- easily exchange files between you local drive and an D64 image
- create and format an D64 image
- read/write or delete fil from an D64 image
- show the directory from an D64 image
DiskToolC64 is written in Java an you'll should install on your system java runtime 8 or higher to use it.
DiskToolC64 is a command line. lif you launch it without argument you'll get usage information :
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar
Usage :
[D64 image file] -c [drivename] -> create and format disk
[D64 image file] -f [drivename] -> format disk
[D64 image file] -d -> read directory
[D64 image file] -p [local file] [new name] -> put file
[D64 image file] -g [cbm file] [local path] -> get file
[D64 image file] -r [cbm file] -> remove file
(c) Written by Eddy Briere (2019) -
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -c mydisk
Create drive : mondisk.d64
Format drive : mondisk.d64 named : mydisk
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -f empty
Format drive : mondisk.d64 named : empty
In [new name] argument don't add extention !
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -p /users/eddy/c64/games/pacman.prg pacman
In [cbmfile] argument don't add extention !
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -g SPRITE .
file found : SPRITE.PRG
size=15748 | real size=15653
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -d
Drive:'PEA_1541_DRIVE' - Version:0.1
TEST.PRG 15748 bytes
SPRITE.PRG 15748 bytes
2 file(s) freespace 137160 bytes
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -r PIPO
PIPO removed
In the directory of the D64 image, you'll note that PIPO file have a new extention [.DEL]. In the directory of the D64 image, you'll note that PIPO file have a new extention [.DEL]. This file is still in the D64 image but don't consume space and will be totaly destroy by a next the file added in the image.
java -jar DiskToolC64.jar mondisk.d64 -d
Drive:'PEA_1541_DRIVE' - Version:0.1
TEST.PRG 15748 bytes
SPRITE.PRG 15748 bytes
PIPO.DEL 15748 bytes
3 file(s) freespace 137160 bytes