LinkArrows: shows how to create iTunes link arrows.
Using_UITabBarController: shows how to load a UITabBarController from a separate XIB.
BDAuthorizePrefPane: shows how to use SFAuthorization to lock/unlock a prefpane with security credentials.
SyncingArrows_iPhone: shows how to recreate iTunes rotating arrow icons that show an iPod/iPhone is syncing in an iPhone app.
SyncingArrows: shows how to recreate iTunes rotating arrow icons that show an iPod/iPhone is syncing.
BDCoreAnimation_iPhone: demos two simple animations: a flying icon and a yellow fade in the UITableView on the iPhone.
BDCoreAnimation: demos two simple animations: a flying icon and a yellow fade in the source list.
NSTableView_setObjectValue: leverages NSTableView's setObjectValue: data source selector to insert the controller in the view-model bindings path.
Two_NSButtonCells_in_NSTableView: demos two NSButtonCells in an NSTableView and how to enable the space bar action on them
UIScrollView_in_UIScrollView: deals with embedding a UIScrollView in a UIScrollView, like a UITextView in a UITableView
ProgressInNSTableView: embeds NSProgressIndicator (both continuous and discrete) in an NSTableView (or NSOutlineView)
BDAuthorize: shows how to use Cocoa's Security framework to perform root-level operations like privileged writes and sudo commands.