diff --git a/src/Makefile.OCaml b/src/Makefile.OCaml
index 6cfb06908..35a3ae889 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.OCaml
+++ b/src/Makefile.OCaml
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ buildexecutable::
# Generate backtrace information for exceptions
INCLFLAGS=-I lwt -I ubase -I system
DEP_INCLFLAGS=-I lwt -I ubase -I system
@@ -145,6 +147,9 @@ else
CLIBS+=-cclib -lutil
+ ifeq ($(OSARCH),solaris)
+ CLIBS+=-cclib -lsendfile
+ endif
@echo Building for Unix
@@ -226,7 +231,7 @@ OCAMLOBJS+=main.cmo
# File extensions will be substituted for the native code version
OCAMLLIBS+=unix.cma str.cma bigarray.cma
-COBJS+=osxsupport$(OBJ_EXT) pty$(OBJ_EXT) bytearray_stubs$(OBJ_EXT) hash_compat$(OBJ_EXT)
+COBJS+=osxsupport$(OBJ_EXT) pty$(OBJ_EXT) bytearray_stubs$(OBJ_EXT) hash_compat$(OBJ_EXT) copy_stubs$(OBJ_EXT)
### User Interface setup
@@ -432,7 +437,7 @@ fswatch.cmi : ubase/prefs.cmi
%.o %.obj: %.c
@echo "$(CAMLC): $< ---> $@"
- $(CAMLC) $(CAMLFLAGS) -ccopt $(OUTPUT_SEL)$(CWD)/$@ -c $(CWD)/$<
+ $(CAMLC) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CCFLAGS) -ccopt $(OUTPUT_SEL)$(CWD)/$@ -c $(CWD)/$<
@echo Linking $@
diff --git a/src/copy.ml b/src/copy.ml
index 60a051155..068211bac 100644
--- a/src/copy.ml
+++ b/src/copy.ml
@@ -280,15 +280,73 @@ let setFileinfo fspathTo pathTo realPathTo update desc =
+(* [unsn_clone_path] does not raise exceptions. *)
+external clone_path : string -> string -> bool = "unsn_clone_path"
+(* [unsn_clone_file] does not raise exceptions. *)
+external clone_file : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> bool = "unsn_clone_file"
+external copy_file : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> int64
+ -> int -> int = "unsn_copy_file"
+let copyByPath fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo =
+ clone_path
+ (Fspath.toString (Fspath.concat fspathFrom pathFrom))
+ (Fspath.toString (Fspath.concat fspathTo pathTo))
+let copy_size l =
+ let def = 10_485_760L in (* 10 MiB, to get periodic progress feedback *)
+ Int64.to_int @@
+ if Int64.compare l def > 0 then def else l
+let rec copyFileAux src dst offs len notify =
+ let open Uutil in
+ if len > Filesize.zero then
+ let n = copy_file src dst (Filesize.toInt64 offs)
+ (copy_size (Filesize.toInt64 len)) in
+ let () = notify n in
+ if n > 0 then
+ let n' = Filesize.ofInt n in
+ copyFileAux src dst (Filesize.add offs n') (Filesize.sub len n') notify
+let copyFileRange src dst offs len fallback notify =
+ try
+ copyFileAux src dst offs len notify
+ with
+ | Unix.Unix_error ((EINVAL | ENOSYS | EBADF | EXDEV
+ | Unix.Unix_error (EUNKNOWNERR -1, _, _) ->
+ (* These errors are not expected in the middle of a copy; these
+ indicate that [copy_file] is not supported at all (by the OS or
+ by the filesystem, or for these specific files) and nothing
+ has been copied so far, which makes fallback straight-forward.
+ Fallback to read-write loop expects that seek positions in
+ input and output fds have not changed. *)
+ fallback notify
+let copyFile inCh outCh kind len fallback notify =
+ let src = Unix.descr_of_in_channel inCh
+ and dst = Unix.descr_of_out_channel outCh in
+ if kind = `DATA && clone_file src dst then
+ notify (Uutil.Filesize.toInt len)
+ else
+ match kind with
+ | `DATA -> copyFileRange src dst Uutil.Filesize.zero len fallback notify
+ | `DATA_APPEND offs -> copyFileRange src dst offs len fallback notify
+ | `RESS -> fallback notify
let copyContents fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo fileKind fileLength ido =
let use_id f = match ido with Some id -> f id | None -> () in
+ if fileKind = `DATA && copyByPath fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo then
+ use_id (fun id -> Uutil.showProgress id fileLength "l")
+ else
+ (* Open fds only if copying by path did not work *)
let inFd = openFileIn fspathFrom pathFrom fileKind in
(fun () ->
let outFd = openFileOut fspathTo pathTo fileKind fileLength in
(fun () ->
- Uutil.readWriteBounded inFd outFd fileLength
+ let fallback = Uutil.readWriteBounded inFd outFd fileLength in
+ copyFile inFd outFd fileKind fileLength fallback
(fun l ->
use_id (fun id ->
(* (Util.msg "Copied file %s (%d bytes)\n" (Path.toString pathFrom) l); *)
diff --git a/src/copy_stubs.c b/src/copy_stubs.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4842408e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/copy_stubs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/* Unison file synchronizer: src/copy_stubs.c */
+/* Copyright 2021, Tõivo Leedjärv
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+/* ----------------------------------------------- */
+/* Clone a file given source and destination paths */
+/* It must fully complete or fully fail. */
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12)
+CAMLprim value unsn_clone_path(value src, value dst)
+ CAMLparam2(src, dst);
+ char *srcn, *dstn;
+ int status;
+ srcn = strdup(String_val(src));
+ dstn = strdup(String_val(dst));
+ caml_release_runtime_system();
+ status = clonefile(srcn, dstn, CLONE_NOFOLLOW | CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY);
+ free(srcn);
+ free(dstn);
+ caml_acquire_runtime_system();
+ /* Don't raise an exception, just return false in case of errors */
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(status == 0));
+#else /* MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12 */
+CAMLprim value unsn_clone_path(value src, value dst)
+ CAMLparam2(src, dst);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_false);
+#endif /* MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12 */
+#else /* defined(__APPLE__) */
+CAMLprim value unsn_clone_path(value src, value dst)
+ CAMLparam2(src, dst);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_false);
+#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) */
+/* ----------------------------------------------- */
+/* Clone a file given input and output fd */
+/* It must fully complete or fully fail. */
+#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__linux)
+#if !defined(FICLONE) && defined(_IOW)
+#define FICLONE _IOW(0x94, 9, int)
+CAMLprim value unsn_clone_file(value in_fd, value out_fd)
+ CAMLparam2(in_fd, out_fd);
+#ifdef FICLONE
+ caml_release_runtime_system();
+ int status = ioctl(Int_val(out_fd), FICLONE, Int_val(in_fd));
+ caml_acquire_runtime_system();
+ /* Don't raise an exception, just return false in case of errors */
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(status == 0));
+#else /* defined(FICLONE) */
+ CAMLreturn(Val_false);
+#else /* defined(__linux__) */
+CAMLprim value unsn_clone_file(value in_fd, value out_fd)
+ CAMLparam2(in_fd, out_fd);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_false);
+#endif /* defined(__linux__) */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Copy, or possibly clone, a file given input and output fd */
+/* If operation is not supported by the OS or the filesystem
+ then file offsets must not have been changed at failure. */
+#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__linux)
+CAMLprim value unsn_copy_file(value in_fd, value out_fd, value offs, value len)
+ CAMLparam4(in_fd, out_fd, offs, len);
+ off_t off_i = Int64_val(offs);
+ ssize_t ret;
+ caml_release_runtime_system();
+#ifdef __NR_copy_file_range
+ /* First, try copy_file_range() */
+ /* Using off_i and off_o prevents changing in_fd and out_fd file offsets */
+ off_t off_o = Int64_val(offs);
+ ret = syscall(__NR_copy_file_range, Int_val(in_fd), &off_i, Int_val(out_fd), &off_o, Long_val(len), 0);
+ if (ret == -1 && (errno == ENOSYS || errno == EBADF || errno == EXDEV))
+#endif /* defined(__NR_copy_file_range) */
+ {
+ /* Second, try sendfile(); this one changes out_fd file offset */
+ ret = sendfile(Int_val(out_fd), Int_val(in_fd), &off_i, Long_val(len));
+ }
+ caml_acquire_runtime_system();
+ if (ret == -1) uerror("copy_file", Nothing);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_long(ret));
+#elif defined(__sun) || defined(sun)
+CAMLprim value unsn_copy_file(value in_fd, value out_fd, value offs, value len)
+ CAMLparam4(in_fd, out_fd, offs, len);
+ off_t off = Int64_val(offs);
+ ssize_t ret;
+ caml_release_runtime_system();
+ /* This one changes out_fd file offset */
+ ret = sendfile(Int_val(out_fd), Int_val(in_fd), &off, Long_val(len));
+ caml_acquire_runtime_system();
+ if (ret == -1) {
+ if (off > Int64_val(offs)) {
+ ret = off - Int64_val(offs);
+ } else {
+ uerror("copy_file", Nothing);
+ }
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(Val_long(ret));
+#else /* defined(__linux__) || defined(__sun) */
+CAMLprim value unsn_copy_file(value in_fd, value out_fd, value offs, value len)
+ CAMLparam4(in_fd, out_fd, offs, len);
+ unix_error(ENOSYS, "copy_file", Nothing);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_long(0));
+#endif /* defined(__linux__) || defined (__sun) */
diff --git a/src/dune b/src/dune
index ca7545a93..74044c75d 100644
--- a/src/dune
+++ b/src/dune
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-w -3-6-9-10-26-27-32-34-35-38-39-50-52
-warn-error -3-6-9-10-26-27-32-34-35-39-50-52
- (c_names bytearray_stubs osxsupport pty hash_compat)
+ (c_names bytearray_stubs osxsupport pty hash_compat copy_stubs)
(c_library_flags -lutil)
(libraries str unix lwt_lib bigarray))