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File metadata and controls

153 lines (103 loc) · 6.4 KB

Road Safety BC Driver Medical Fitness

Lifecycle:Experimental ci-medical-portal-api cd-legacy-adapter cd-cms-adapter ci-medical-portal-ui codecov

Technology Stack

Layer Technology
Presentation Angular 13
Business Logic C Sharp - Dotnet Core 6.0
Microservices C Sharp - Dotnet Core 6.0
Front End Web Server Caddy
Application Server Kestrel
Data Storage MS Dynamics On Premise V9
Authentication ADFS, BC Services Card
Document Storage S3
Container Platform OpenShift 4
Zero Trust Security Policy Type Kubernetes
Logging Splunk, Console, and Kibana
CI/CD Pipeline GitHub Actions, Kubernetes Pipelines (Tekton)

System Architecture

alt text

Repository Map

  • functional-tests: Source for BDD tests
  • openshift: Various OpenShift related material, including instructions for setup and templates.


This application is meant to be deployed to RedHat OpenShift version 4. Full instructions to deploy to OpenShift are in the openshift directory.

Developer Prerequisites

Public Application

  • .Net Core SDK (6.0)
  • Node.js
  • .NET Core IDE such as Visual Studio or VS Code
  • JAG VPN with access to MS Dynamics


  • RedHat OpenShift tools
  • Docker
  • A familiarity with GitHub Actions and Tekton Pipelines

Microsoft Dynamics, S3

A MS Dynamics instance containing the necessary solution files is required. A S3 compatible object store is required for persistent files.

DevOps Process

Github Actions

There are two main categories of Github Actions used in this project:

  1. Continuous Integration - these pipelines are used to integrate code from a Fork into the main "develop" line
  2. Continuous Delivery - these pipelines are used to assist in building code for delivery (deployment) in OpenShift.

An example of other Github Actions also used in the project is the stats action Code Cov uses.

Configuration Required for Github Actions

  1. OCP4_NAMESPACE - set to the full project identifier where images are stored. For example proj-tools.

  2. OCP4_USERNAME - the username for a Service Account with access to read / write OCP4_NAMESPACE images

Note that this username must have the following role bindings set:

oc policy add-role-to-user system:image-builder system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<username>

  1. OCP4_PASSWORD - the TOKEN from the OpenShift secret for the username in OCP4_USERNAME

  2. OCP4_REGISTRY - the hostname for the public image repository. You can get this by viewing the details for an image in the given project; only put the hostname portion.

Tekton Pipelines

There is also a series of Tekton (Kubernetes) pipelines:

Promotion to TEST

To promote code to TEST, login to OpenShift and start the Kubernetes Pipeline for Promote to Test.

Promotion to TRAIN

To promote code to TRAIN, login to OpenShift and start the Kubernetes Pipeline for Promote to Train.

Promotion to PROD

To promote code to PROD, login to OpenShift and start the Kubernetes Pipeline for Promote to Prod. Not that this pipeline will also make a backup of the current PROD deployment.

Restore PROD from backup

If you wish to revert to the previous PROD deployment, login to OpenShift and start the Kubernetes Pipeline for Restore PROD from Backup.


This system makes use of Hangfire for scheduling. More information on Hangfire can be found at the website; the system uses a stock configuration of Hangfire.

To login to a hangfire dashboard, forward traffic from the OpenShift pod for the scheduler service and access https://localhost:8080

oc port-forward <POD NAME> 8080:8080


Please report any issues.

Pull requests are always welcome.

If you would like to contribute, please see our contributing guidelines.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright 2022 Province of British Columbia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


This repository is maintained by BC Attorney General.

Portal Solutions

There are solution files for each portal in the root folder. These solutions will run everything needed for the portal to run.

If you encounter an error like the following: 1>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file '...\rsbc-dmf\icbc-adapter\src\Pssg.Interfaces.Icbc\obj\Debug\net8.0\ref\IcbcClient.dll' could not be found Open the ICBC solution and build the solution. Alternatively, you could add the dependent projects to this solution