Assignment of NCIT "neoplasm core" codes in arrayMap/Progenetix MongoDB collections, based ICDO (morphology + topography) <-> NCIT mapping
This script needs a mapping file as an input, the file should be provided with either as an URL or a local file.
The script has a built-in default URL of the mapping file, but users can specify an alternative source.
When using a Google spreadsheet, please use the following address style to download the document and convert this to a CSV input file:[your file id]/export?format=csv
For direct use of a local file, please provide this in CSV format.
The script also generates a log file, the defualt name is log.txt
-u, --url TEXT Get the mapping from an url
-f, --file TEXT Get the mapping from a file
-l, --log FILENAME Generate a log file
-d, --database TEXT Use a specific database
-c, --collection TEXT Use a specific collection
--help Show this message and exit.