A lightweight CLI tool written in Go to easily shorten URLs and create custom bookmarks to refer and keep track of websites you bookmark
- Pre-requisites
- Go
- Directions to install
git clone https://github.com/batman004/Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI.git
CD into the project DIR
cd Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI
Run the build command to create a executable binary of the project
go build
- Directions to execute
(if you're on linux/MacOS)
./Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI <COMMAND>
(if you're on windows)
Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI.exe <COMMAND>
Or, you can check out the pre-compiled binaries under Releases
- Download the binary for your system (check releases)
- Create a folder Data and an empty json file inside it with the name
- Spin up the CLI by executing the binary according to your OS (see above)
- Usage
Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI [command]
Available Commands:
add add a new shortened, custom-tagged URL
get get bookmarked URL(s)
-custom-tag add custom-tag while bookmarking URL for easy reference
-description add description for URL to be added
--all get all bookmarked URL(s)
-custom get bokmarked URL based on custom tag
-url add the URL to be shortened
- Creating a new custom-tagged, shortened URL
Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI add -custom-tag <tag> -description <desc> -url <url>
- Getting all the bookmarked URL(s)
Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI get --all
- Getting a custom-tagged URL
Custom-URL-Shortner-CLI add -custom <tag>
- Add persistent database support ⚓
- User Signup/Login 🔒
- add web-server to server urls with custom-tags 🕸️
- add folders to store URL(s) 📁
- delete/edit custom-tag 📝