- fixed : evolution get_folder_id with null value and doc last_update
- fixed : evolution diff from emptpy value show NaN
- added : evolution summary switch to toggle evolution mode
- added : evolution summary filter main entity
- added : evolution summary filter simple filter mode
- changed : icon "partie de" use entity color
- changed : evolution update date use futur and past color for variable icon
- changed : put tab title on two rows
- changed : make tab title percent use entity color
- fixed : jsonjsdv_editor evolution dont stringify null value
- added : evolution diff date format YYYY, YYYYtQ and YYYY/MM
- added : link color entity for dataset name
- added : include linked evolution to tag page
- changed : doc tab in the correct order for institution and folder
- fixed : hide evolution where element not found, likely due to dataset type filter
- fixed : evolution filter allow no error if empty
- fixed : error page default element value and add doc case
- fixed : add_history modality value split parent id and name on last separator occurrence
- fixed : jsonjsdb_editor dont update main file if no change
- added : icon and title for page internal view
- added : recursive child element to evolution tab
- added : entity color on links hover or active
- added : evolution diff for number and date relative
- changed : rename history to evolution
- changed : make jsonjsdb_editor use xlsx state for evolution
- changed : doc last update date use Column.timestamp()
- fixed : favorite page about tab image caption
- fixed : little typo in the license
- added : parent entity to history on entity page
- added : markdown link title attribute to open internal link in new tab
- added : percent color past and futur for column last_update and next_update
- added : border bottom to datatable header
- changed : history green and red background color more visible
- changed : history last and next update with different type in select input
- changed : make tabs more compact et colored
- fixed : sort column moment by numeric value
- fixed : jsonjsdb_editor prevent adding entry when old and new value are both null or empty
- added : history tab to all pages
- added : no_more_update attribute to hide next_update_date
- added : nb total item in stat tab
- changed : upgrade puppeteer to version 24.0
- fixed : history next update based on frequency lowercase
- fixed : validity date with quarter notation
- fixed : internal link changing param but same page
- added : column nb variable for institutions and folders
- added : processing of history changes in jsonjsdb_editor
- added : basic history tab on homepage
- added : history diff with highlight of delete and add on row and value
- added : history parent entity column
- added : history validity start, end and update date and next_update_date estimation
- fixed : markdown image with alt not_rounded
- fixed : entity column select input search with clean name
- refactor : set default datatable sort_by_name to false and remove unnecessary check for empty datatable
- removed : unused option page export and import tabs
- added : markdown image caption
- added : some screenshots for about page
- changed : updated all screenshots
- changed : updated main presentation text
- changed : updated text for organisation and fonctionality tab, also renamed "vue méta" to "vue interne"
- fixed : github linguist stats with correct gitattributes
- changed : improve md doc preview container alignment
- changed : improve main page text content
- changed : move more in front and consolidate column date and time ago
- changed : add main title on about page tab
- changed : put favorite column at the beginning of the table
- fixed : datasets and variables order based on dataset type
- fixed : search result icon reactivity and highlight only start of word
- fixed : md doc preview max width 100%
- fixed : md content content padding on mobile
- refactor : remove suffix _info from all info files
- refactor : remove some unused export in util.js
- added : stat popup shown from table column tooltip btn
- added : tooltip description for all columns
- added : metadataset relations in datasetInfo
- changed : description info with correct padding and width on mobile
- changed : use arrow icon for metaDataset relations
- changed : upgrade to vite 6
- added : table column filter info popup
- changed : table download filename use page and tab name
- changed : align attribute name and value on page entity info on mobile
- fixed : dropdown header menu stick after click
- fixed : markdown ol padding
- fixed : extendable on one line
- fixed : tag page opposite tags tab
- fixed : header fav btn on mobile
- fixed : dont show btn filter info popup when no filter
- added : tag doc in md files
- added : ckeckDb accecc to db object via global window
- added : dark mode nice transition with view transition on switch
- changed : make about and stat tab overflow on full page
- changed : doc md preview no padding
- fixed : git language stats with correct gitattributes
- fixed : extendable fixed width and break word
- fixed : nb_values width during loading because value infered from list
- fixed : sort by dataset nb line as numeric even if empty value
- fixed : replace css :not() with opposite class name because of warning in latest svelte
- fixed : no cursor pointer on dataset preview
- fixed : favorite number display on mobile
- added : tag doc
- added : table input filter ="" and !"" for empty and not empty
- added : md to json.js conversion
- changed : header favorite btn without name and scrollbar min width larger
- changed : dont use indexdb encryption by default
- changed : harmonize variable naming in search_history indexdb data
- changed : make datatables column width not reduce width when no result
- changed : refactor datatable js code to extract js code in separate files
- fixed : ellipsis on extendable tree on entity info page
- fixed : git language stats in app (build) repo to include assets md, js and css files
- added : doc description
- added : filter infobox visible on mobile
- changed : center vertically datatables rows content
- changed : migrate all svelte code to version 5
- fixed : tabs body overflow hidden when not datatables
- fixed : extendable text in tab info default 2 lines visible
- fixed : scroll bar page body during tab transition
- fixed : nb doc max for percent bar in datatable
- removed : default bulma css
- changed : use specific icon for preview
- changed : use two rows for datatables and make column fixed width
- fixed : remove stat tab menu border on dark mode
- fixed : remove mouse cursor when datatables not clickable
- fixed : tab nb item update from child component with store
- fixed : move worker logic in js file
- fixed : page option btn icon margin
- added : more console log duration during init process
- added : special error page for when error during init process
- added : deep level info on entity page
- changed : put footer inside menu in mobile version
- changed : migrate to svelte 5 with minimal changes
- changed : put deep level and favorite at the end of the table
- changed : use always absolute deep level and nevel relative for column level
- fixed : tabs_body overflow hidden only when not datatables, so download button is still visible
- fixed : add old variable name only to variable name in search module
- fixed : keep footer in menu for mobile version
- fixed : force input on metaDataset datetime column
- added : some screenshot for about page
- changed : get last modification timestamp directly from jsonjsdb instead of info file
- changed : get filter and alias info from config file instead of filter and alias files
- changed : upgrade to sass 1.80.1
- changed : put icons in icon folder
- changed : use replaceAll instead of replace when needed (not regex)
- changed : about fonctionality now use new screen shot all light and dark mode
- fixed : typo in about_meta
- fixed : doc preview a pixel to height
- fixed : tabs_body overflow hidden without hidding the download button
- fixed : jsonjsdb dont update last modification when no change
- added : metaDataset last_update info
- added : footer last update info live updated
- added : about functionality tab
- changed : make datatables not stretch to 100% width and remove header border
- changed : use meta_schema instead of other meta files
- changed : complete meta_schema variable and remove virtual table
- changed : center option tab section
- changed : make tab body max height dynamic and always apply
- fixed : update jsonjsdb with little fix for empty ids
- fixed : jsonjsdb types not imported
- removed : jsonjsdb metaDataset virtual table for many to many relation
- added : jsonjsdb can normalize db schema
- changed : use tab for about page
- changed : rename preview file and md file, move md jsonjs in db
- changed : use md doc from db based on doc id
- changed : markdown many to many relation entity order from main to secondary
- changed : denormalize db schema to remove many to many relation table
- fixed : footer vue meta highlight on metavariable page
- fixed : entity icon in title centered on mobile when no favorite
- fixed : vue meta variable nb value link and value preview
- removed : readme folder attribut, icon and color
- added : about tab for search page
- changed : click on header logo from homepage make tab change to default tab
- changed : adapt switch "show all recursive" to fit aside and be always present when needed
- fixed : update to latest datatables version after bug fixed with fixedcolumns 5.0.3
- fixed : table select input with null option changed to empty string
- fixed : adapt test to new page url with more realistic data
- added : demo dataset with lot of variable to test datatables scroller
- fixed : revert datatables to version 2.1.4 to fix bug with fixed col and scroller
- fixed : upgrade sass without warning about new JS API
- fixed : loading logo centered
- fixed : remove errors when dataset has no folder or institution
- changed : dont make static page for variable and modality
- changed : make demo data more realistic and complete
- refactor : use Column.nb_child_recursive() and Column.nb_variable()
- added : link to release on github when clicking on app version in footer
- added : github links to the source code in footer
- changed : remove some config files and integrate them in package.json and vite.config.js
- changed : remove pdf version of the license in the root and move it in public/assets
- fixed : enable again shortcut that open link in new tab and fix go back to homepage
- fixed : error 404 page link to homepage
- added : support mermaid in all markdown about tab
- changed : refactor mermaid loading
- changed : improve about tab for all pages
- changed : make image in about tab full width
- fixed : add line break between about main body and more info
- fixed : make main_banner src dynamic in Main.svelte
- changed : mermaid version from 9.3 to 11.2 (latest)
- changed : migrate scss @import to @use
- changed : make about_main internal markdown with optional custom parts
- changed : move main_banner in assets folder
- fixed : typo in License with the licensor name
- fixed : overlap between exporter btn, search bar and open_all btn on mobile
- added : modality description in table modalities
- changed : use internal markdown files instead of config.xlsx for about tab
- fixed : search highlight html entities with empty search
- fixed : search bar debounce sync highlight and result
- fixed : search bar remove recent search btn
- fixed : search bar colspan diff with recent search
- added : License in pdf format
- changed : use navigo router lib instead of page.js
- changed : Improve readme formulation and links
- changed : License now in first stable version
- added : app/readme to the file to update
- added : dataset delivery_format
- fixed : tab title initial width too large on static page
- fixed : typo in about page
- fixed : tag level on tab tag page dataset
- added : changelog file
- added : update_app.json with param to choose version
- added : app readme
- changed : db_source/config.xlsx section about_main
- changed : markdown link highlight