The base URL for this website is
The links at the top of the page don't work. Click here to go to the display home page.
Mirador viewer displaying Baptismal Ceremony annotated manifest
Annona viewer displaying Baptismal Ceremony annotated manifest
Mirador viewer displaying Sala Mpasu Mask annotated manifest
Annona viewer displaying Sala Mpasu Mask annotated manifest
Mirador viewer displaying Album du Siége annotated manifest
Annona viewer displaying Album du Siége annotated manifest
To serve a manifest from a subdirectory, append the subdirectory name, followed by the manifest file name. For example:
An online manifest editor is available at To load the manifest, use the manifest URL (as above). Save the manifest in your GitHub directory with a distinctive name and push it to GitHub using GitHub Desktop.
If you are having problems with a manifest, run it through this manifest validator:
Many collections have custom viewers, where the viewer is styled to be consistent with the theme of the institution's website. Here is an example from the Getty Museum collection:
Viewing the full artwork details at the bottom of the page gives you access to the IIIF manifest link. You can display that manifest in one of several generic viewers, either directly or by downloading the manifest, hacking it if desired, and serving it from your own website (as I've done below).
Append the manifest URL to the end of
For example:
Append the manifest URL to the end of
For example:
Append the manifest URL to the end of
For example:
Manifest served from our website:
NOTE: In this example, the annotations are in a separate file referenced from the manifest:
Unfortunately, it appears that this viewer will only work with images served from the server. So although we can hack this manifest, we can't use it with manifests from our own image server.
Here's an example of a manifest with multiple images and separate annotations for each one:
If I append this manifest URL to the generic Mirador viewer, I can view the annotations
Click on the hamburger in the upper left.
Then click on the Annotations icon.
Clicking on a particular annotation will display its box. Clicking on the eye icon will display boxes for all annotations.
Here is an annotated image from the Gallery Collection (The Painter and His Pug, print by William Hogarth, 1795, Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery 1974.027). The bounding boxes and object recognition were determined by the Google Cloud Vision AI.
Manifest URL:
Notice that the last section of the manifest has an otherContent
section with a link to the annotations document (below).
Annotations URL:
Notice that the selector
values specify the x, y, width, and height of the bounding box. Modifying these values would fix the issues with the bounding box for the person.
To use the crop tool, you need the first part of the IIIF image URL. In a manifest, it's the service
. Or take any IIIF image URL and it's the part before the location, like /full/full/0/default.jpg
IIIF crop tool (for getting bounding box coordinates)
Example of an embedded iFrame created using the Exhibit platform.
Custom viewer
Manifest URL
Custom viewer
Manifest URL
This example uses annotations on multiple canvases.
View manifest in Mirador