This is a demo of using Coinbase Smart Wallets with Sub Accounts. View the live version here:
- Log in or Sign up with your Coinbase Smart Wallet, and connect it to the app.
- On connection, the app will request a few permissions to the wallet
- To create a Sub Account that is linked to the Coinbase Smart Wallet, that can be used for the app
- Permission to spend a certain amount of ETH per day, which creates a Spend Permission on the Coinbase Smart Wallet that is usable by the newly created Sub Account
- Once logged in, the app will display a list of trending farcaster posts, each post has a tip button.
- When the tip button is clicked, a few things happen:
- The app creates a batch transaction that includes 1) approving the Spend Permission that was created during onboarding 2) pulling the ETH from the Coinbase Smart Wallet to the Sub Account 3) sending the ETH to the farcaster user as a tip
- (optional) This demo uses Neynar to fetch live farcaster posts. To run it with live data you'll need a Neynar API key which you can get here. After signing up, you'll need to create an API key and set the Neynar environment variable in the
file. - (optional) This demo also supports using different signer implementations to power the Sub Accounts. Browser keys are the default, but you can also use Turnkey server wallets. To use Turnkey, you'll need to create an account and set the relevant Turnkey environment variables in the
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First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
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- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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