Forked from https://github.com/Marak/asciimo
yarn add @barbershopio/asciimo
v0.3.1 online demo @ http://asciimo.com
font files are FIGlet .flf files http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIGlet
asciimo "roffles" Cybermedium
var sys = require('sys');
var asciimo = require('./lib/asciimo').Figlet;
var colors = require('./lib/colors'); // add colors for fun
// pick the font file
var font = 'banner';
// set text we are writeing to turn into leet ascii art
var text = "hello, i am asciimo";
asciimo.write(text, font, function(art){
var anotherFont = 'binary';
var moreText = "i turn text into leet ascii art ^_^.";
asciimo.write(moreText, anotherFont, function(art){
var anotherFont = 'Colossal';
var moreText = "400+ fonts supported";
asciimo.write(moreText, anotherFont, function(art){
var anotherFont = 'tinker-toy';
var moreText = "Marak Squires 2010";
asciimo.write(moreText, anotherFont, function(art){
sys.puts('if you can\'t see the text try making your console larger'.red.underline)
// the current browser demo requires jQuery. you could easily make it work without jQuery.
// we'll have to figure out a smarter way to make this library work dual-sided.
// also, i haven't included the DOM elements here so you really should just check out the index.html file
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/asciimo.js"></script>
<!-- fonts.js doesn't contain the fonts, just the font names. fonts are located in /asciimo/fonts/ -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/fonts.js"></script>
<!-- jquery not required, just use this this demo page -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// not used, could be implemented, maybe AJAX browser cache is good enough? do some research!
var fontCache = {};
// populate the select box
for(var i = 0; i<Figlet.fontList.length; i++){
var fontTitle = Figlet.fontList[i].replace('.flf','').replace('.aol',''); // remove the file extentions for the title
$('#fontSelector').append('<option value = "'+Figlet.fontList[i]+'">'+fontTitle+'</option>');
// protip : understanding the following two blocks of code will make you jQuery ninja
/***** NAMED EVENTS *****/
// change the font and load a new font via jQuery async AJAX request
$(document).bind('##CHANGE_FONT##', function(e, data){
Figlet.loadFont(data.fontName, function(rsp){
$(document).trigger('##RENDER_ASCII_ART##', {font:rsp}); // the font has changed, lets call the render ascii art event
$(document).bind('##RENDER_ASCII_ART##', function(e){
Figlet.write($('#theCode').val(), $('#fontSelector').val(), function(str) {
$('#asciiArt').html('<pre>' + str + '</pre>');
/**** END NAMED EVENTS ****/
/**** BIND UI EVENTS ****/
// select box change
$(document).trigger('##CHANGE_FONT##', {"fontName":$(this).val()})
// you would think jQuery.change() would cover the keypress event on select boxes?
$("#fontSelector").keypress(function (){
$(document).trigger('##CHANGE_FONT##', {"fontName":$(this).val()})
// keyup on textarea
/**** END UI BIND EVENTS ****/
// little bit of a onReady hack. i'll fix the API a bit so this can be done better
$(document).trigger('##CHANGE_FONT##', {"fontName":'Doh'});
####AWESOME FIGlet parser by Scott Gonzalez