Fixed Path parameter attribute for Write-Log. Added cmdlet New-Credential.
Added Rename-FileOrDirectory.
Added OutputType to all cmdlets. Updated all cmdlets to use the Write-Log function for displaying output and writing to an optional log file.
Renamed: Set-SecurityPrivilege to Set-TokenPrivilege Get-GroupsFromToken to Get-TokenGroups
Added functions: Set-LocalAdminPassword Set-SecurityPrivilege Get-ComputerDomain
Updated function: Set-ProcessToken (fixed elevating SeDebugPrivilege)
Updated the Set-NetAdapterDnsSuffix cmdlet to use CIM cmdlets.
Added the Set-NetAdapterDnsSuffix and Get-NetAdapterErrorCode cmdlets.
Minor updates to New-DynamicParameter cmdlet.
Fixed bug in New-DynamicParameter.
Updated parameter validation for ValidateSet on New-DynamicParameter.
Fixed bugs with the New-DyanmicParameter cmdlet parameters.
Added the Get-PropertyValue, Get-UnboundParameterValue, Import-UnboundParameterCode, and New-DynamicParameter cmdlets.
Changed the parameter of ConvertTo-Hashtable from ExcludedKeys to Exclude.
Added the ConvertTo-Hashtable cmdlet.
Added the Merge-Hashtables cmdlet. Changed Start-TaskSchedulerHistory to Enable-TaskSchedulerHistory (left an alias). Added alias "using" to Invoke-Using.
Updated the progress notification for ForEach-ObjectParallel.
Added the Invoke-WmiRepositoryRebuild cmdlet.
Updated the Start-ProcessWait cmdlet and moved the ESENT cmdlets to their own module, which is now a dependency for this module.
Updated manifest file.
Updated the Convert-SecureStringToString cmdlet and added the Invoke-Using cmdlet.
Allowed paths supplied to Invoke-ForceDelete to be dot sourced or relative.
Added the Invoke-ForceDelete function.
Added the Get-DiskFree function.
Added the Get-CertificateSAN function.
Changed the name of the Get-Package function to Get-WebPackage in order to deconflict the function name with MS provided functions in Server 2016.
Updated how errors are displayed on Set-FileSecurity.
Changed the path parameter for Set-Owner to a single string instead of an array. Modified Set-FileSecurity to use the SetAccessControl() method instead of Set-Acl. Added the $script:LocalNames value to use with Get-AccountSid and Get-AccountTranslatedNTName.
Fixed a bug in the Extract-ZipFile cmdlet and the NoOverWrite parameter.
Fixed a logic error in Write-Log
Added Functions:
Extract-ZipFile New-RandomPassword New-EncryptedPassword Get-EncryptedPassword Enable-TaskSchedulerHistory
Removed function: Add-DomainUserToLocalGroup (renamed to Add-DomainMemberToLocalGroup with additonal parameters)
Added numerous additional functions:
Where-NotMatchIn Get-AccountSid Get-AccountTranslatedNTName Convert-SecureStringToString Get-LocalGroupMembers Add-DomainMemberToLocalGroup Get-PSExecutionPolicy Test-PendingReboots Test-Credentials Write-Log Set-UAC Set-IEESC Set-OpenFileSecurityWarning Get-LocalFQDNHostname Set-Pagefile Set-HighPerformancePowerPlan Get-NETVersion Set-NET461InstallBlock Start-ProcessWait Get-FileVersion Disable-SSLv3 Test-PackageInstallation Get-Package Start-PackageInstallation Set-RunOnceScript
Almost all of these functions use the Write-Log function. This function can be set to use a parameter pointing to a path or you can use something like [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("LogPath", "c:\log.txt", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) to enable logging to the path.