An cryptography software based on Java Swing
You must have jdbc mysql connector and create database(cryptojava) with this command at the root of project.
database credentials
database name : cryptojava
root password : Ir00t@dmin12
you can change it,it's in ConnexionDb file
mysql -u username -p cryptojava < cryptojava.sql
With this tool, you can generate your own keys,crypt text or document,sign text or document.You can also convert your keys file or document to base64 string.
In this part ,you need to create account to access others parts of app

Click on signup(inscription) button and then create account
After create account ,you can login into system and have access to others parts
In this part,you will be able to generate symetrics key(AES,DES) and asymetric keys(RSA,DSA).
For example ,generate AES 256 key size process
It's same process for asymetric key generation
In this part,you will be able to encrypt or decrypt documents or text with symetrics algorithm(AES,DES) and asymetric algorithm(RSA).
Ok,in this example i will encrypt an text file with symetric algorithm
Decrypt process
In this part,you will be able to sign documents or verify documents, texts signature with some algorithms(SHA256WITHRSA,DSA).
In this example,I will sign an text file with SHA256WITHRSA with private key.
After,we can verify file signature with public key.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.