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Wei-ju Wu edited this page Oct 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

Install C++ scripts

You will need a C compiler to compile the code, e.g. g++

There are four scripts that must be compiled and added to your bash $PATH environmental variable. These include:

  • adjmat2wpairs.cpp
  • cluster_communities.cpp
  • compute_tanimoto.cpp
  • getting_communities.cpp

The scripts are required to compute corems from an EGRIN 2.0 ensemble. They can be download from the egrin2-tools git repository here

You can install these scripts in /usr/local/bin/ or wherever you store executables.

The processing scripts require that you can call these by their exact name, e.g. adjmat2wpairs.cpp should be called as adjmat2wpairs

Each of these scripts can be compiled, e.g. with g++

you@Computer ~/Where/you/are $ g++ -O3 -o name-of-script name-of-script.cpp

Finally, the path to wherever you compiled the script must be added to your bash $PATH.

After re-sourcing your bash_profile or .bashrc, you should be able to call each of these from the command line by their name, e.g.:

you@Computer ~/Where/you/are $ name-of-script
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