A rudimentery websocket server which combines socket.io with redis to form a redis HTTP interface, and realtime messenger.
Requires an existing installation (see either redis or homebrew )
Append any redis-cli query to the base URL, seperated by back-slashes.
GET /keys/*
GET /set/test/hello
GET /get/test
GET /del/test
Any redis key modified via the HTTP API may also be listened to via a websocket inteface.
//The URL is the API base plus the key you want to listen to: redis-key-<key name>
const url = '/redis-key-AN_EXAMPLE_KEY';
var socket = require('socket.io-client')(url);
socket.emit("new_client", window.location.href);
socket.on("new_client", (msg) => {
//an update to the key emits a "local_redis_update" event.
socket.on("local_redis_update", (msg)=>{
//Do something when a message comse through
let socket = null;
$(function () {
socket = io('/redis-key-demonstrations_build_status');
socket.emit("new_client", window.location.origin);
socket.on("new_client", (msg) => {
socket.on("local_redis_update", (resp) => {
//Do something when a message comes through.
//For example, this updates a progress bar.
if(resp.key == jobTriggerID){
const print_response = (resp.p_max == resp.progress) ? `Complete. Files saved to ${resp.msg}` : `${resp.msg} category ${resp.progress} of ${resp.p_max}`;
setProgress( parseInt(resp.progress), parseInt(resp.p_max) );