This project constructs a Temporal Knowledge Graph to analyze the evolution of relations between India and Pakistan. By parsing historical text data, it extracts entities (people, places, events) and models time-varying relationships to represent how interactions have changed over time.
This Python-based model uses NetworkX
and spaCy
to build a knowledge graph where:
- Nodes represent entities such as people, events, and places.
- Edges depict temporal relationships like conflicts or alliances.
- Querying capabilities allow users to explore historical conflicts and alliances over time.
- Entity Extraction: Automatically extracts people, places, and events from
. - Temporal Relationship Modeling: Uses
to model relationships that evolve over time. - Timeline Summary Generation: Summarizes major events, conflicts, and alliances for each year in the dataset.
- Interactive Querying: Enables questions like:
- "Which countries were in conflict during 1965?"
- "How did India-Pakistan relations evolve from 1947 to 1999?"
- Python 3.x
for graph processingpandas
for data handlingspaCy
for entity extraction
To install dependencies, run:
pip install networkx pandas spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
The project contains two main scripts:
- Creates the knowledge graph and allows querying of relationships.
- Adds functionality for generating a timeline summary of events, classifying relationships as conflicts or alliances.
- load_data(): Loads historical data from
. - extract_entities(): Extracts entities (people, places, events) using
. - extract_temporal_relationships(): Identifies relationships between entities by year.
- create_knowledge_graph(): Builds a graph with nodes for each entity and edges for relationships over time.
- query_graph(): Queries the knowledge graph for specific relationships, such as conflicts or alliances in a given year.
- timeline_summary(): Produces a timeline of events for each year, categorizing relationships as conflicts or alliances based on context.
- print_timeline_summary(): Displays the timeline in a readable format.
Run to create the knowledge graph:
- Includes examples of querying for conflicts in specific years and the evolution of relations between entities.
Run to view a timeline summary:
- This script outputs major events by year, noting conflicts and alliances.
- Conflict in 1965: Returns relationships categorized as conflicts for the year 1965.
- Evolution of Relations: Shows how the relationship between entities (e.g., India and Pakistan) evolved over time.
- India and Pakistan: Conflict
- India and Pakistan: Conflict
- India and Bangladesh: Alliance
- India and Pakistan: Conflict
Contributions are welcome! You can enhance entity extraction, refine relationship modeling, or expand query capabilities.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.