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rust impute v1 (#302)
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sudiptoguha authored Mar 31, 2022
1 parent 789a1ae commit 32de396
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,463 additions and 230 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Rust/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,23 @@ name = "rcf"
version = "3.0.0"
edition = "2021"

opt-level = 3

name = "rcflib"
path = "src/"

name = "example"
path = "src/"
# See more keys and their definitions at

num = "0.4"
rayon = "1.5"
rand = "*"
rand_chacha = "0.3.0"
rand_core = "0.6"
parameterized_test = "0.1.0"
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions Rust/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@

use num::abs;
use crate::pointstore::PointStore;
use crate::samplesummary::{SampleSummary, summarize};

fn project_missing(point: &Vec<f32>,position : &[usize]) -> Vec<f32> {
position.iter().map(|i| point[*i]).collect()

/// the following function is a conduit that summarizes the conditional samples derived from the trees
/// The samples are denoted by (PointIndex, f32) where the PointIndex(usize) corresponds to the point identifier
/// in the point store and the f32 associated with a scalar value (corresponding to weight)
/// the field missing corresponds to the list of missing fields in the space of the full (potentially shingled) points
/// centrality corresponds to the parameter which was used to derive the samples, and thus provides a mechanism for
/// refined interpretation in summarization
/// project corresponds to a boolean flag, determining whether we wish to focus on the missing fields only (project = true)
/// or we focus on the entire space of (potentially shingled) points (in case of project = false) which have different
/// and complementary uses.
/// max_number corresponds to a parameter that controls the summarization -- in the current version this corresponds to
/// an upper bound on the number of summary points in the SampleSummary construct
/// Note that the global, mean and median do not perform any weighting/pruning; whereas the summarize() performs on
/// somewhat denoised data to provide a list of summary. Note further that summarize() is redundant (and skipped)
/// when max_number = 0
/// The combination appears to provide the best of all worlds with little performance overhead and can be
/// used and reconfigured easily. In the fullness of time, it is possible to leverage a dynamic Kernel, since
/// the entire PointStore is present and the PointStore is dynamic.
pub struct FieldSummarizer {
centrality: f64,
project : bool,
max_number : usize,
distance : fn(&[f32],&[f32]) -> f64

impl FieldSummarizer {
pub fn new(centrality: f64, project: bool, max_number: usize, distance: fn(&[f32], &[f32]) -> f64) -> Self {
FieldSummarizer {

pub fn summarize_list(&self, pointstore: &dyn PointStore, point_list_with_distance: &[(usize, f32)], missing: &[usize]) -> SampleSummary {
let mut distance_list: Vec<f32> = point_list_with_distance.iter().map(|a| a.1)
distance_list.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap());
let mut threshold = 0.0;
if self.centrality > 0.0 {
let mut always_include = 0;
while always_include < point_list_with_distance.len() && distance_list[always_include] == 0.0 {
always_include += 1;
threshold = self.centrality * (distance_list[always_include + (distance_list.len() - always_include) / 3] +
distance_list[always_include + (distance_list.len() - always_include) / 2]) as f64;
threshold += (1.0 - self.centrality) * distance_list[point_list_with_distance.len() - 1] as f64;

let total_weight = point_list_with_distance.len() as f64;
let dimensions = if !self.project || missing.len() == 0 {
} else {
let mut mean = vec![0.0f32; dimensions];
let mut deviation = vec![0.0f32; dimensions];
let mut sum_values_sq = vec![0.0f64; dimensions];
let mut sum_values = vec![0.0f64; dimensions];
let mut vec = Vec::new();
for i in 0..point_list_with_distance.len() {
let point = if !self.project || missing.len() == 0 {
} else {
project_missing(&pointstore.get_copy(point_list_with_distance[i].0), &missing)
for j in 0..dimensions {
sum_values[j] += point[j] as f64;
sum_values_sq[j] += point[j] as f64 * point[j] as f64;
/// the else can be filtered further
let weight: f32 = if point_list_with_distance[i].1 <= threshold as f32 {
} else {
threshold as f32 / point_list_with_distance[i].1

vec.push((point, weight));

for j in 0..dimensions {
mean[j] = (sum_values[j] / total_weight as f64) as f32;
let t: f64 = sum_values_sq[j] / total_weight as f64 - sum_values[j] * sum_values[j] / (total_weight as f64 * total_weight as f64);
deviation[j] = f64::sqrt(if t > 0.0 { t } else { 0.0 }) as f32;
let mut median = vec![0.0f32; dimensions];
for j in 0..dimensions {
let mut v: Vec<f32> = vec.iter().map(|x| x.0[j]).collect();
v.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap());
median[j] = v[vec.len() / 2];

let mut summary = summarize(&vec, self.distance, self.max_number);
SampleSummary {
summary_points: summary.summary_points.clone(),
relative_weight: summary.relative_weight.clone(),
total_weight: summary.total_weight,
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions Rust/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@

extern crate rand;
extern crate rand_chacha;
extern crate rcflib;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};

use rcflib::multidimdatawithkey;
use rcflib::multidimdatawithkey::MultiDimDataWithKey;
use rcflib::rcf::{create_rcf, RCF};

fn main() {
let shingle_size = 8;
let base_dimension = 5;
let data_size = 100000;
let number_of_trees = 30;
let capacity = 256;
let initial_accept_fraction = 0.1;
let dimensions = shingle_size * base_dimension;
let _point_store_capacity = capacity * number_of_trees + 1;
let time_decay = 0.1 / capacity as f64;
let bounding_box_cache_fraction = 1.0;
let random_seed = 17;
let parallel_enabled: bool = false;
let store_attributes: bool = false;
let internal_shingling: bool = true;
let internal_rotation = false;
let noise = 5.0;

let mut forest: Box<dyn RCF> = create_rcf(

let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::seed_from_u64(42);
let mut amplitude = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..base_dimension {
amplitude.push( (1.0 + 0.2 * rng.gen::<f32>())*60.0);

let data_with_key = multidimdatawithkey::MultiDimDataWithKey::multi_cosine(

let mut score: f64 = 0.0;
let _next_index = 0;
let mut error = 0.0;
let mut count = 0;

for i in {

if (i > 200) {
let next_values = forest.extrapolate(1);
assert!(next_values.len() == base_dimension);
error += next_values.iter().zip(&[i]).map(|(x,y)| ((x-y) as f64 *(x-y) as f64)).sum::<f64>();
count += base_dimension;

let new_score = forest.score(&[i]);
//println!("{} {} score {}",y,i,new_score);
if next_index < data_with_key.change_indices.len() && data_with_key.change_indices[next_index] == i {
println!(" score at change {} position {} ", new_score, i);
next_index += 1;

score += new_score;
forest.update(&[i], 0);

"Average score {} ",
(score / as f64)
println!("Success! {}", forest.get_entries_seen());
println!("PointStore Size {} ", forest.get_point_store_size());
println!("Total size {} bytes (approx)", forest.get_size());
println!(" RMSE {}, noise {} ", f64::sqrt(error/count as f64), noise);

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