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AWS RDS Custom for Oracle Module

This module provides prescriptive deployment for RDS Custom for Oracle. This module provides the ability to create primary instances and associated replicas.

Figure 1 shows an example configuration you can deploy using this module. For more details, common deployment examples can be found in examples/.


Figure 1. Example configuration of RDS Custom for Oracle with a primary instance, and two replicas.

Resources Created

  • RDS Custom for Oracle primary instance using a precreated Custom Engine Version (CEV)
  • (optional) RDS Custom for Oracle replica instance(s) from the primary
  • (optional) IAM Role and Instance Profile for the primary and replicas
  • (optional) DBSubnet Group for the primary and replicas
  • (optional) Security Group for the VPC endpoints, allowing the primary and replica instance(s) to communicate with dependent AWS services
  • (optional) VPC endpoints, which are rquired for primary and replica instance(s) to communicate with dependent AWS services:
    • com.amazonaws.region.s3
    • com.amazonaws.region.ec2
    • com.amazonaws.region.ec2messages
    • com.amazonaws.region.monitoring
    • com.amazonaws.region.ssm
    • com.amazonaws.region.ssmmessages
    • com.amazonaws.region.logs
    • com.amazonaws.region.secretsmanager


RDS Custom for Oracle requires a Custom Engine Version (CEV) to be created before creating the primary instance. The CEV must be created in the same region as the primary instance. The CEV must be created using customer managed symmetric AWS KMS Key.

For more information on RDS Custom for Oracle prerequisites, see Prerequisites for using Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle.

For more information on creating a CEV, see Creating a Custom Engine Version.

Availability Zones

If not specified, primariy instances will be placed in the first subnet provided to subnet_config. Replicas will be placed in subnets separate from the primary, starting with the second subnet.

To specify the placement to specific availability zones for the primary and replicas, use the aws_db_instance_primary.availability_zone and aws_db_instance_replicas.availability_zones attribute(s). If specifified, availability_zones will be applied in order to the replicas.

IAM Role and Instance Profile

If not specified, the module will create an IAM role and instance profile for the primary and replicas.

To specify the IAM role and instance profile, use the iam_role_arn and iam_instance_profile_arn attributes. The role name and instance profile name must start with AWSRDSCustom.

  create_iam_role             = false # Toggle to create or assign IAM role. Defaut name and description will be used.
  iam_role_arn                = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSRDSCustomInstanceRole-us-west-2"
  create_iam_instance_profile = false # Toggle to create or assign IAM instance profile. Defaut name and description will be used.
  iam_instance_profile_arn    = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/AWSRDSCustomInstanceProfile-us-west-2"


Please see our developer documentation for guidance on contributing to this module.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
aws >= 4.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.0.0


Name Source Version
private_link_endpoints ./modules/endpoints n/a


Name Type
aws_db_instance.primary resource
aws_db_instance.replicas resource
aws_db_subnet_group.rdscustom resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.rdscustom resource
aws_iam_role.rdscustom resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy.ssm_managed_default_policy data source
aws_kms_key.by_id data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_db_instance_primary Primary instance configuration values. Map where the key is the argument. For examples, see /examples/ folder.
aws_db_instance_primary = {
allocated_storage = 50
apply_immediately = false
allocated_storage = optional(number)
apply_immediately = optional(bool)
availability_zone = optional(string)
backup_retention_period = number
backup_window = optional(string)
copy_tags_to_snapshot = optional(bool)
db_name = string
delete_automated_backups = optional(bool)
deletion_protection = optional(bool)
engine = string
engine_version = string
final_snapshot_identifier = optional(string)
identifier = string
instance_class = string
iops = optional(number)
maintenance_window = optional(string)
network_type = optional(string)
password = string
port = optional(number)
publicly_accessible = optional(bool)
skip_final_snapshot = optional(bool)
storage_type = optional(string)
username = string
vpc_security_group_ids = optional(list(string))
n/a yes
private_subnet_config List of private subnets configurations for the RDS instance and replicas. Will be applied in order to the instance first, and then replicas.
subnet_id = string
availability_zone = string
n/a yes
private_subnet_route_table_ids List of private subnets route tables in which to associate the gateway endpoints. list(string) n/a yes
vpc_cidr VPC CIDR for the endpoints to communicate with. string n/a yes
vpc_id VPC Id. string n/a yes
aws_db_instance_replicas Replica instance(s) configuration values. Map where the key is the argument. For examples, see /examples/ folder.

Replicas will be placed in subnets separate from the primary by default.
If specifified, availability_zones will be applied in order to the replicas. If the number of availability_zones is less than the number of replicas, the availability_zones will be applied in order until the last availability_zone is reached.
if specified, identifiers will be applied in order to the replicas. If the number of identifiers is less than the number of replicas, the identifiers will be applied in order until the last identifier is reached, and then default indentifiers will be applied.

aws_db_instance_primary = {
replica_count = 2
availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]
identifiers = ["replica-01", "replica-03"]
replicate_source_db = "instance-01"
replica_count = number
allocated_storage = optional(number)
apply_immediately = optional(bool)
availability_zones = optional(list(string))
backup_retention_period = optional(number)
backup_window = optional(string)
copy_tags_to_snapshot = optional(bool)
delete_automated_backups = optional(bool)
final_snapshot_identifier = optional(string)
identifiers = optional(list(string))
instance_class = string
iops = optional(number)
maintenance_window = optional(string)
network_type = optional(string)
port = optional(number)
replicate_source_db = optional(number)
publicly_accessible = optional(bool)
skip_final_snapshot = optional(bool)
storage_type = optional(string)
vpc_security_group_ids = optional(list(string))
"instance_class": "",
"replica_count": 0
create_db_subnet_group Toggle to create or assign db subnet group. bool true no
create_endpoint_security_group Toggle to create or assign endpoint security group. bool true no
create_iam_instance_profile Toggle to create or assign IAM instance profile. bool true no
create_iam_role Toggle to create or assign IAM role. bool true no
create_vpc_endpoints Toggle to create vpc endpoints. bool true no
db_subnet_group DB Subnet Group to be used. Required if create_db_subnet_group is set to false. string "" no
db_subnet_group_description Description of the db subnet group created. string "DB subnet group for RDSCustomForOracle" no
db_subnet_group_name Name of db subnet group created. string null no
endpoint_security_group_description Description of the endpoint security group created. string "Endpoint security group" no
endpoint_security_group_id Security group to be used. Required if create_endpoint_security_group is set to false. string "" no
endpoint_security_group_name Name of endpoint security group created. string null no
iam_instance_profile_arn IAM instance profile to be used. Required if create_iam_instance_profile is set to false. string null no
iam_instance_profile_name Name of IAM instance profile created. string null no
iam_instance_profile_path IAM instance profile path. string null no
iam_role_arn IAM role to be used. Required if create_iam_role is set to false. string null no
iam_role_description Description of the role. string "Role for RDS Custom for Oracle" no
iam_role_name Name to use on IAM role created. string null no
iam_role_path IAM role path. string null no
kms_key_id KMS Customer Managed Key Id. string "" no
tags Additional tags (e.g. map('example-inc:cost-allocation:CostCenter','XYZ'). map(string) {} no
timeout Optional nested block of timeout values. For examples, see /examples/ folder.
timeout = {
create = "4h"
delete = "4h"
update = "4h"
any {} no


Name Description
aws_db_instance_primary_attributes DBInstance resource attributes. Full output of aws_db_instance.
aws_db_instance_replicas_attributes DBInstance resource attributes. Full output of aws_db_instance.
db_subnet_group RDS DB subnet group.
iam_instance_profile_name RDS IAM instance profile.
iam_role RDS IAM role.