Http request for php
- PHP >= 5.6
- Composer
$ composer require openset/http
use Openset\HttpClient;
// 修改默认配置(可选)
HttpClient::setConfig(['debug' => false, 'verify' => true]);
// 发送get请求
$resp = HttpClient::get('');
// Response对象实现了一个PSR-7接口 Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface , 包含了很多有用的信息。
// 你可以获取这个响应的状态码和和原因短语(reason phrase):
$code = $resp->getStatusCode(); // 200
$reason = $resp->getReasonPhrase(); // OK
// 你可以从响应获取头信息(header):
// Check if a header exists.
if ($response->hasHeader('Content-Length')) {
echo "It exists";
// Get a header from the response.
echo $response->getHeader('Content-Length');
// Get all of the response headers.
foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
echo $name . ': ' . implode(', ', $values) . "\r\n";
// 使用 getBody 方法可以获取响应的主体部分(body),主体可以当成一个字符串或流对象使用
$body = $resp->getBody();
// Implicitly cast the body to a string and echo it
echo $body;
// Explicitly cast the body to a string
$stringBody = (string) $body;
// Read 10 bytes from the body
$tenBytes = $body->read(10);
// Read the remaining contents of the body as a string
$remainingBytes = $body->getContents();
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