Trying to make "Hello World" in the New Profile I am a Software Engineer now pursuing my passion for education. I am a Computer Engineering from DPU, PImpri Pune. I have interned with Aspire Software web worked on a few research projects Technology excites me and I am always in awe Of the Change it drives in the world, Certain Skills that I have worked with include Data Structures and Algorithms (Java), Web Development (Node-Js, MySQL), Linux OS (with GO) & Machine Learning (Python). And what I might lack in skills I make up for with my determination to learn.Outside of tech, I am a tea lover.
🔭 I’m working on [Spotify UI Clone 🎶(
🌱 I’m currently learning ⚒️Java Dsa And Web Development
👨💻 All of my projects are available at
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact outside the developer I am tealover☕ and good runner🏃♂️
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