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Explain dimension in general case.
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PatrickMassot committed Sep 6, 2024
1 parent 6cd1e7b commit 1a4ceb6
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 8 deletions.
123 changes: 115 additions & 8 deletions MIL/C09_Linear_Algebra/S01_Matrices.lean
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Expand Up @@ -933,7 +933,26 @@ example [FiniteDimensional K V] : 0 < FiniteDimensional.finrank K V ↔ Nontrivi

/- TEXT:
Of course ``FiniteDimensional K V`` can be read from any basis. Recall we have
In the above statement, ``Nontrivial V`` means ``V`` has at least two different elements.
Note that ``FiniteDimensional.finrank_pos_iff`` has no explicit argument.
This is fine when using it from left to right, but not when using it from right to left
because Lean has no way to guess ``K`` from the statement ``Nontrivial V``.
In that case it is useful to use the name argument syntax, after checking that the lemma
is stated over a ring named ``R``. So we can write:

example [FiniteDimensional K V] (h : 0 < FiniteDimensional.finrank K V) : Nontrivial V := by
apply (FiniteDimensional.finrank_pos_iff (R := K)).1
exact h

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The above spelling is strange because we already have ``h`` as an assumption, so we could
just as well give the full proof ``FiniteDimensional.finrank_pos_iff.1 h`` but it
is good to know for more complicated cases.
By definition, ``FiniteDimensional K V`` can be read from any basis. Recall we have
a basis ``B`` of ``V`` indexed by a type ``ι``.
Expand All @@ -949,20 +968,108 @@ we can talk about the dimension of a subspace.

variable (E F : Submodule K V) [FiniteDimensional K V] in
#check Submodule.finrank_sup_add_finrank_inf_eq E F
variable (E F : Submodule K V) [FiniteDimensional K V]

open FiniteDimensional

example : finrank K (E ⊔ F : Submodule K V) + finrank K (E ⊓ F : Submodule K V) =
finrank K E + finrank K F :=
Submodule.finrank_sup_add_finrank_inf_eq E F

example : finrank K E ≤ finrank K V := Submodule.finrank_le E
/- TEXT:
TODO: Exercise montrant que deux sous-espaces dont la somme des dimension dépasse la
dimension ambiante s’intersectent. Donner
`Submodule.finrank_le A : finrank k ↥A ≤ finrank k V`
`finrank_bot k V : finrank k ↥⊥ = 0`
We are now ready for an exercise about ``finrank`` and subspaces.
example (h : finrank K V < finrank K E + finrank K F) : Nontrivial (E ⊓ F : Submodule K V) := by
rw [← finrank_pos_iff (R := K)]
have := Submodule.finrank_sup_add_finrank_inf_eq E F
have := Submodule.finrank_le E
have := Submodule.finrank_le F
have := Submodule.finrank_le (E ⊔ F)
-- BOTH:

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Let us now move to the general case of dimension theory. In this case
``finrank`` is useless, but still have that, for any two bases of the same
vector space, there is a bijection between the type indexing those bases. So we
can still hope to define rank as a cardinal, ie an element of the “quotient of
the collection of types under the existence of a bijection equivalence
When discussing cardinal, it gets harder to ignore foundational issues around Russel’s paradox
like we do everywhere else in this book.
There is no type of all types because it would lead to logical inconsistencies.
This issue is solved by the hierarchy of universes that
we usually try to ignore.
Each type has a universe level, and those levels behave similarly to natural
numbers. In particular there is zeroth level, and the corresponding universe
``Type 0`` is simply denoted by ``Type``. This universe is enough to hold
almost all of classical mathematics. For instance ``ℕ`` and ``ℝ`` have type ``Type``.
Each level ``u`` has a successor denoted
by ``u + 1``, and ``Type u`` has type ``Type (u+1)``.
But universe levels are not natural numbers, they have a really different nature and don’t
have a type. In particular you cannot state in Lean something like ``u ≠ u + 1``.
There is simply no type where this would take place. Even stating
``Type u ≠ Type (u+1)`` does not make any sense since ``Type u`` and ``Type
(u+1)`` have different types.
Whenever we write ``Type*``, Lean inserts a universe level variable named ``u_n`` where ``n`` is a
number. This allows definitions and statements to live in all universes.
Given a universe level ``u``, we can define an equivalence relation on ``Type u`` saying
two types ``α`` and ``β`` are equivalent if there is a bijection between them.
The quotient type ``Cardinal.{u}`` lives in ``Type (u+1)``. The curly braces
denote a universe variable. The image of ``α : Type u`` in this quotient is
`` α : Cardinal.{u}``.
But we cannot directly compare cardinals in different universes. So technically we
cannot define the rank of a vector space ``V`` as the cardinal of all types indexing
a basis of ``V``.
So instead it is defined as the supremum ``Module.rank K V `` of cardinals of
all linearly independent sets in ``V``. If ``V`` has universe level ``u`` then
its rank has type ``Cardinal.{u}``.
#check V -- Type u_2
#check Module.rank K V -- Cardinal.{u_2}

TODO: Discuter le cas de la dimension infinie.
/- TEXT:
One can still relate this definition to bases. Indeed there is also a commutative ``max``
operation on universe levels, and given two universe levels ``u`` and ``v``
there is an operation ``Cardinal.lift.{u, v} : Cardinal.{v} → Cardinal.{max v u}``
that allows to put cardinals in a common universe and state the dimension theorem.

universe u v in
variable {ι : Type u} (B : Basis ι K V)
{ι' : Type v} (B' : Basis ι' K V) in
example : Cardinal.lift.{v, u} (.mk ι) = Cardinal.lift.{u, v} (.mk ι') :=
mk_eq_mk_of_basis B B'
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We can relate the finite dimensional case to this discussion using the coercion
from natural numbers to finite cardinals (or more precisly the finite cardinals which live in ``Cardinal.{v}`` where ``v`` is the universe level of ``V``).

example [FiniteDimensional K V] :
(FiniteDimensional.finrank K V : Cardinal) = Module.rank K V :=
finrank_eq_rank K V
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