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This repository give us a place to maintain a control versions of the every object in an Ansible Automation Controller.

CasC (Configuration as Code) means the possibility of define every object of Ansible Automation Controller as code in a git repository. In this lab, we have defined two environments (dev and pro) to do the CasC and interact with a gitops approach between them.

Steps to test the CasC approach

Day-Zero from CLI

NOTE: Execution Environment called ee-casc in the following playbooks has six needed collections (You can use a EE with this collections inside or install each collection in your workspace. If you will not use a EE, you can skip "podman login" steps.):

- name: ansible.controller
- name: ansible.utils
- name: ansible.posix
- name: community.general
- name: infra.controller_configuration
- name: automationiberia.casc_setup

Before using CasC as a GitOps approach, it is needed to launch an initialization from CLI which it is called Day-Zero.

NOTE: Copy this repo to your own gitlab organization and play with it instead of the example we use during following steps.

  1. Clone the repository and create a new day-zero branch

    git clone
    cd CASC-ORG
    git checkout -b casc-dev-day0
  2. Edit credentials to connect to the controller for day zero.

    vi group_vars/dev/configure_connection_controller_credentials.yml
    vi group_vars/pro/configure_connection_controller_credentials.yml
    ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/dev/configure_connection_controller_credentials.yml group_vars/pro/configure_connection_controller_credentials.yml
  3. Edit credentials for day zero

    vi orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/dev/controller_credentials.d/controller_credentials.yml
    vi orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/pro/controller_credentials.d/controller_credentials.yml
    ansible-vault encrypt orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/pro/controller_credentials.d/* orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/dev/controller_credentials.d/*
  4. Check the inventory file. Example:

  5. Setting vault credential file

    echo "my_vault_pass" > ~/.vault_password
    ln ~/.vault_password .
  6. Launch ansible-navigator from CLI to setup day-zero of CasC. Example:

    ansible-navigator run casc_ctrl_config.yml -i inventory -l dev -e '{orgs: CASC-ORG, dir_orgs_vars: orgs_vars, env: dev}' -m stdout --eei --vault-password-file .vault_password
    ansible-navigator run casc_ctrl_config.yml -i inventory -l pro -e '{orgs: CASC-ORG, dir_orgs_vars: orgs_vars, env: pro}' -m stdout --eei --vault-password-file .vault_password
  7. Push the changes

    git status -s
    git add -A
    git commit -m "CasC day zero"
    git push origin casc-dev-day0
  8. Pomote the casc-dev-day0 branch to dev (dev branch)

    • Select the source branch as casc-dev-day0 and dev as the destination one] New Merge Request Dev

    • Fill in the merge request information Fill in the merge request information

    • Approve the Merge Request. New Merge Request Pro

  9. Promote the dev branch to pro (pro branch)

    • Select the source branch as dev and pro as the destination one] New Merge Request Pro

    • Fill in the merge request information Fill in the merge request information

      ⚠️ Be sure to write a title that have sense for the Merge Request: The default value here is dev, that is not usefull at all!

    • Approve the Merge Request. New Merge Request Pro

  10. Configure the webhooks for both environments: DEV and PRO.

    MANUALLY IN DEV (only if you didn't by the playbook):

    1. Go to Dev Controller and open CASC-ORG CasC_AAP_Workflow
    2. Copy the content of "Webhook URL" and "Webhook Key"
    3. Go to Gitlab -> Settings -> Webhooks
    4. Paste the content of "Webhook URL" and "Webhook Key" in the gaps "URL" and "Secret Content"
    5. Select Push events and fill the gap with dev


    MANUALLY IN PRO (only if you didn't by the playbook):

    1. Go to PRO Controller and open CASC-ORG CasC_AAP_Workflow
    2. Copy the content of "Webhook URL" and "Webhook Key"
    3. Go to Gitlab -> Settings -> Webhooks
    4. Paste the content of "Webhook URL" and "Webhook Key" in the gaps "URL" and "Secret Content"
    5. Select Tag events and fill the gap with dev


GitOps flow

  1. Clone the given repository:

    git clone
    cd CASC-ORG/
  2. Create a new branch from dev to introduce the new items:

    git checkout dev
    git checkout -b add_info_job_template
  3. Add a new Playbook and a new Job Template

    File: new_playbook1.yaml

    cat > new_playbook1.yaml <<EOF
    - name: "Play to show the hostname"
      hosts: all
        - name: "Show the hostname"
              - "This server is called (from Ansible inventory):     {{ inventory_hostname }}"
              - "This server is called (from Execution Environment): {{ lookup('pipe', 'cat /etc/hostname') }}"
              - "Running as user: {{ lookup('pipe', 'id') }}"

    File: new_playbook2.yaml

    cat > new_playbook2.yaml <<EOF
    - name: "Play to show the hostname"
      hosts: all
      connection: local
        - name: "Show the hostname"
              - "This server is called (from Ansible inventory):     {{ inventory_hostname }}"
              - "This server is called (from Execution Environment): {{ lookup('pipe', 'cat /etc/hostname') }}"
              - "Running as user: {{ lookup('pipe', 'id') }}"

    File: orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/common/controller_job_templates.d/new_job_template.yaml

    cat > orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/common/controller_job_templates.d/new_job_template.yaml <<EOF
      - name: "{{ orgs }} New Job Template"
        description: "Template to show how to add a new JT"
        organization: "{{ orgs }}"
        project: "{{ orgs }} CasC_Data"
        inventory: "{{ orgs }} Localhost"
        playbook: "new_playbook1.yaml"
        job_type: run
        fact_caching_enabled: false
        concurrent_jobs_enabled: true
        ask_scm_branch_on_launch: true
          ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
          ansible_async_dir: /home/runner/.ansible_async/
        execution_environment: "ee-casc"
  4. Commit the changes to the new branch

    git add -A .
    git commit -am "Add new playbook and job template to show server information"
    git push -u origin add_info_job_template
  5. Create a Merge Request to dev branch

    • Go to Merge Requests and create a new merge request New merge request

    • Select the source branch add_info_job_template and dev as the destination one New merge request to dev

    • Fill in the merge request information Fill in the merge request information

    • Merge the merge request Merge the merge request

    The following automated process has ben executed at the Ansible Automation Controller:

    Look at the Ansible Automation Controller's jobs

    The following diagram shows the components of the workflow:

    Workflow Diagram

    Of course, the new Job Template has been created:

    New Job Template Dev

  6. Pomote the dev branch to production (pro branch)

    Similarly to the step 5, create a new Merge Request from the dev branch to the pro branch:

    • Select the source branch as dev and pro as the destination one] New Merge Request Pro

    • Fill in the merge request information Fill in the merge request information

      ⚠️ Be sure to write a title that have sense for the Merge Request: The default value here is dev, that is not usefull at all!

    When the Merge Request is already merged, the new Job Template is also created in the pro environment:

    New Job Template Pro

  7. Run the new Job Template at PRO

    Run the Job Template: Run the JT

    and check that it is failing: Job Template PRO failed

  8. Rollback the PRO environment to previously working tag

    To rollback the status of the controller to a previous working version, it's only needed to run the following Job Templates:

    • Run the Job Template casc-twitch-demo CasC_JobTemplates_AAP_Drop_Diff with the previous working version: Run the JT casc-twitch-demo CasC_JobTemplates_AAP_Drop_Diff
    • Run the Job Template casc-twitch-demo CasC_JobTemplates_AAP_CD_Config_Controller with the previous working version: Run the JT casc-twitch-demo CasC_JobTemplates_AAP_CD_Config_Controller
  9. Fix your playbook

    git checkout dev
    git pull
    git checkout -b fix_playbook

    Modify the Job Template to use the correct playbook:

    playbook: "new_playbook2.yaml"

    Updated file: orgs_vars/CASC-ORG/env/common/controller_job_templates.d/new_job_template.yaml

      - name: "{{ orgs }} New Job Template"
        description: "Template to show how to add a new JT"
        organization: "{{ orgs }}"
        project: "{{ orgs }} CasC_Data"
        inventory: "{{ orgs }} Localhost"
        playbook: "new_playbook2.yaml"
        job_type: run
        fact_caching_enabled: false
        concurrent_jobs_enabled: true
        ask_scm_branch_on_launch: true
          ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
          ansible_async_dir: /home/runner/.ansible_async/
        execution_environment: "ee-casc"

    Commit and push your changes:

    git commit -am "Fix the connection method"
    git push -u origin fix_playbook

    Create a Merge Request to dev branch:

    • Create New Merge Request from fix_playbook to Dev
    • New Merge Request from fix_playbook to Dev
    • Merge the Request

    Repeat the steps to create a new Merge Request from dev to pro, as described at step 6

  10. Run again the new Job Template at PRO

    Run again the Job Template: Run the JT

    and check that it is working fine now: Job Template PRO failed


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